Happy Independence Day to all Americans, yes, Americans not muricans with their shouting disrespectful "patriotism" I mean happy Independence Day to the loyal hard working American who believes in his country and the leaders who run it past present and future, though we may have rough times it should always be remembered that on this day 240 years ago the American militia (with the help of Von Stuben and the some Native American tribes) declared they no longer wanted to live under an empire and wrote a declaration of right that, [u][i][b]We the people[/b][/i][/u] have used to guide us, stated our independence from that empire and served as a constant reminder fee to those simple farm folk thought that war that eventually led to our cessation and the creation of The United States of America. Sure we've had ups and downs and dark moments but in the long run I think we've turned out pretty good, much better than simple farm folk so good job America, I'll hope to still be around at 300 I can't wait.
[spoiler]i know there will be haters to point out every single little mistake we've made and my purpose wasn't to brag our shout about our greatness because we do have faults but I don't care they can say what they will I'll still love my country and nothing can break my mood on today of all days[/spoiler]
Have a good day ^-* to everyone not just Americans
[spoiler]the pic is just funny, I was given it on my old wallpaper thread and thought I'd share it[/spoiler]
That picture is supposed to represent the dark side of American patriotism, as is shown in Bioshock Infinite.