So, if you didn't know, Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is free on Xbox 360 and Xbox One through backwards compatibility right now.
With some free games, I choose not to download them. I don't want games taking up space if I won't play them. I'm going to talk about why you totally shouldn't pass this up.
This first-person shooter game (that goes into 3rd person when you go into cover) doesn't look great graphically, as you can see, and you could make a case for calling it clunky. But I'm having a good time with it.
As pretty much all of us have played Halo and/or Destiny, we're familiar with fast-paced first-person shooters. This isn't like that.
There is no jump button. You move slowly. Even the sprint isn't all that fast. Every animation, like throwing grenades and reloading, is slow. I can't say "realistically" slow or not, but it is more so than most shooters, at least.
Most of what I'm going to say applies mostly to terrorist hunt mode, as in campaign enemies are always in the same place, and you cant really judge how people in competitive multiplayer are.
In movies or campaign moments in games, you'll see all the guys walk all slow and be careful around every corner and every door, but in most games, you really could just run in there and handle it yourself if you have decent reflexes.
In RSV2, every corner literally is a danger. Enemies could be waiting silently in the next room, and even on the easiest difficulty, a shotgun can take you down in one shot.
They can come up behind you without you knowing, so it may be smart to have some always covering your back. And it's smart to always stick with your teammates. Enemies are just as likely to rush right at you as they are to be hiding around the next corner. And you probably won't be able to handle 3 enemies that are right in your face.
There's also a lot of customization in the game too, which actually matters since #1 some things affect how much armor you have or how fast you are, and #2, you will actually see your own character quite a bit, as you'll be in cover a lot of the time.
So dew it. Get it. If you can appreciate something that's a little different from the norm for FPSs.
Edit: TL;DR, it's slow paced and team-oriented. If you play it like CoD, you're dead ;)
It's only clunky because it is clunky. But that's only until you get used to pushing in one of the sticks to ADS or whatever. It's actually quite good once the player knows what all the buttons and stuff do. Played it for a long while on ps3. SolidGame/10