1. Have any flammable substances on you
(oil, gas, weed, etc)
2. Look into a lit mortar that didn't go off
3. Finish smoking near space of unlit fireworks
4. Fire mortars on dry grass
5. Throw poppits/firecrackers near unlit fireworks
6. Hold a lit fountain
7. Hold a lit fountain near unlit fireworks
8. Run around w/sparklers near the mortars
9. Bottle rocket jousting with poppits on the side
10. Throw lit fountains
11. Tie more that 8 packs of firecrakers together and light it in hand
12. Put a pack of lit firecrakers in a beer bottle and put it near people
13. Throw lit Roman candles at people
14. Launch mortars that sound like air to ground missiles past 12:00
15. Pour alcoholic beverages on a box of firecrackers
16. Light fireworks while drunk
17. Put M80s in people's shoes
18. Eat an M80
19. Stick a Roman candle up the ass
20. Shoot a rocket at your car
Have any more? Write it down and I will add it
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