It's way too op right now, and I just don't feel like it's in the right place. It should have its range and accuracy nerfed. Along with these nerfs, it should also be nerfed too the point where it's harder to complete the chaperone quest.
Post your thoughts in the comments.
Edit: look Mom, I'm famous for a b8 post cuz no one can read the tags.
Edit 2: apparently all these skrubs and kids on the forums don't know what b8 or satire is. Half these people have officially played themselves.
Change ur play style if ur losing to last word all the time
Gr8 b8 i r8 potatoe/8.
If this truly isn't bait, you should stop playing this game. TLW is so easy to counter.
They should Nerf the necrochasm its too op
Edited by JaNiMi01: 7/8/2016 4:32:55 AM[spoiler]notb8[/spoiler]
Go ahead nerf it again. I'll still use it and you'll still bitch about it.
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
Nerf Titan booty.! -
Edited by XMalakhX: 7/8/2016 4:21:51 AMThey need to make an actual representation of the guns range... It's range stat is fake as hell... it can hit from like most of hcs with good range.
Are you dumbfounded? We need to nerf hunters if anything! [spoiler]#It'sNerfOrNothing[/spoiler]
You need a nerf for making this b8 post
I don't see how incorrect spelling and abbreviations help you explain your "b8" to some "scrubs"
what type of b8 did you use. ~DIO
I nerfed it by keeping it in storage in the hall ;) Still have chaperone quest..
Your face needs a nerf
Edited by Eagle_Rock: 7/7/2016 11:35:39 PMGr8 b8 m8 i can rel8 and there for valid8 u m8 i would like to d8 your sister k8 my name is n8 i know she has a lot on her pl8 but l8ter we can masturb8 to help allevi8 the need to make gr8 b8
The last word isn't op, it is completely fine
Didn't read the post. Just read title and immediately thumbed down for stupidity. Somebody let me know if he's being satirical.
Yh nerf the last word it's not like that's ever happened before ;)
Edited by Sixth Devil King: 7/7/2016 11:45:05 PM[spoiler]on a more serious sidenote; judging by your replys your post was intended to be a serious post and then you decided to put your bait tag on it to make it sound like a joke..? why does everyone do that when they get 0 upvotes?[/spoiler]
Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Nerf Herders on So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Team Ruckus. From what I can gather, he commands the Scrub Dancers from an Imperial PC just inside of his mother's basement. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, kick this loser in the nuts and break their grip on Nerfing Destiny more...
Nerf yer opinions!👍
You my friend are a dumbass