originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"I am Ziin"
[b]Ziin bows. He then Teleports to the right of Nora and throws his dagger. It grazes her leg.[/b]
[b][b]Nora follows his lead, becoming mist then kicking his back [/b][/b]
[b]Ziin stumbles forward and dashes for his dagger. He grabs it then Teleports to the right. [/b]
[b]Nora notices and becomes mist [/b]
[b]Ziin Teleports once again. He sees Nora appear behind him. He then dashes forwards and Teleports through Nora. The blue fire appears under her. She becomes frozen for 5 seconds. Ziin wipes his forehead. [/b] "All this teleporting is making me tired"
[b]Five seconds pass and Nora looks at you.[/b]
[b]Ziin takes this opportunity to punch her in the stomach. She stumbles backwards. [/b]
[b]Nora quickly regains her balances and elbows you [/b]
[b]Ziin jumps left. Ziin left kicks Noras side. [/b]
[b]Nora easily dodges the attack and takes a step back [/b]
[b]Ziin Grunts and then proceeds to throw the dagger right in to Noras right leg. He then Teleports to Nora and pulls the knife out of her leg and jabs it in to her left leg in one swift move. [/b]
[b]Nora grunts as the knife stabs into her leg, whoever as you go in to stab her other one she turns into mist and stabs into your shoulder from behind [/b]
[b]Ziin pulls out the knife. He dashes towards you then Teleports in mid-air and drop kicks you to the floor. Ziin then backs up and uses an Invisibility potion. He hides in the shadows. [/b]
[b]Nora seems slightly dazed but quickly regains her composure. She looks around.[/b] "Mistakes." [b]She raises her hand and the shadows start light up as flames spread across the ground [/b]
[b]Ziin still invisible moves towards Nora while she is distracted. He picks her up then slams her hard in to the ground. Ziins Invisibility wears off. While Nora is on the ground Ziin Teleports far up in to the sky and lands on Noras back. She screams in agony. [/b]
[b]Nora continues screaming as she throws you off and hops to he feet. She returns the favor by picking you up and cracking your back over he knee [/b]
[b]Ziin screams[/b] "You're tough" Says Ziin out of breath [b]Ziin cracks his back in to place. He gets out his knife and yells in pain. He throws the knife so hard that when it hit Nora it went right through her stomach. [/b] "I sharpen the blade every night " Says Ziin
[b]Nora bends down then stands upright, cracking her back [/b] "Damn right I'm tough." [b]She looks at the small hole in her stomach [/b] "You're good."
"You too" Says Ziin smiling.
[b]She places a hand on her stomach and she birds herself. When she takes her hand away her wounds are healed.[/b] "I'll get a lieutenant to review the fight. Determine if you are worthy"
Edited by Ziinx: 7/8/2016 1:28:50 PM"Yes m, lady" Says Ziin nervously [b]He stands upright and Bows[/b]
[b]She bows as well and enters thd dojo [/b] [spoiler]end [/spoiler]
[spoiler]If luitenant approves do I become a member of the dojo? [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Yup [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Ok. So how long will it take for a luitenant to come review the fight? [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Not entirely sure. Could take a few hours. Maybe a day [/spoiler]