[b](If you're just here to hate, refer to the last paragraph.)[/b]
Give people a better incentive to aim for the head. Getting a shot in the body should not be rewarding in any fashion. With the previous updates you've done, you've shown that you are able to separate damage to the head and damage to the body. If you were to do the same with snipers then at least one issue(out of many concerning & not concerning snipers) would find some sort of resolution.
Make it so the body damage taken from a sniper shot is consistent amongst all snipers. About a 100-110 amount. With that you can restore the luck in the chamber perk back to what it originally was before as it would then never one shot someone anymore in the body. Alongside that, high impact wouldn't have as much of an advantage over low impact. Yes they will still do more damage in a single shot to the head but they won't leave someone one shot for even the simplest of weapons. Ex: Any of the KYS archetype snipers+last word vs promontory archetype(or lower)+last word. Who do you think has a better chance at getting kills?
This would separate the advantages into two categories. High impact snipers can still massive damage to the head but if you try for a body kill it's slow. Low impact sniper will deal the same amount of damage to the head as they do now, but the change would make them more viable for getting double-body kills with their faster rate of fire. To balance this though, the rate of fire for low impacts might need to be decrease by .05-.1 seconds to really emphasize the difference.
Just how if they were to change snipers how I think it should go. There are pretty good where they are at right now- except for the higher aim assistance in comparison to year one. Anyway, give your thoughts. And for those who will needlessly hate me for apparently "calling nerf", you're going to really feel like an asshole when you read this last paragraph. Enjoy otherwise.
[quote]This would separate the advantages into two categories. High impact snipers can still massive damage to the head but if you try for a body kill it's slow. Low impact sniper will deal the same amount of damage to the head as they do now, but the change would make them more viable for getting double-body kills with their faster rate of fire. To balance this though, the rate of fire for low impacts might need to be decrease by .05-.1 seconds to really emphasize the difference.[/quote] This paragraph perfectly illustrates why this is a bad idea. Low impact and high impact snipers both already one shot to the head. Low impact snipers already do 100-110 damage per body shot (weyloran's march for example). Lowering high impact snipers to that same level for body shot makes them exactly the same in all circumstances, [i]except[/i] for res/super sniping. Basically you are advocating making high impact snipers a slow version of low impact snipers. This would basically just make them a trials only weapon. It more or less removes the reason for having different archetypes.
I've used snipers since HoW and just a few weeks ago I switched to a shotgun and I was amazed how little flinch snipers have its stupid some kid who had a 0.89 kd in a match I was pounding him bit missing a beat and he still quickscopes me and the funny thing was is that he went to cover and recorded it he knew it was a nice shot I do respect people that play aggressive with snipers the last sniper nerf was dumb it promoted passive play I've seen 3 people play aggressive with snipers since the patch and 1 of them was in my team... I don't know what needs to be done because the only gun that could efficiently challenge a sniper at range was the mida and they nerfed it instead of buffing other guns it's not that snipers got better other guns became worse no one was camping in HoW why? Because you would get 2 tapped from scout rifle range by thorn and TLW in fact flinch was increased and AA was reduced in the TTK patch #buffshotguns
Snipers in real life can rip a person in half from a body shot.
Just my opinion but I'm sick of nerfs! I think snipers are fine in their current state, IMO. I think primaries need a good buff. This is why snipers have been so easy to use, not much counter to them, except if the other person is sniping (duh)
Edited by bilbo t baginzz: 7/9/2016 2:08:37 AM[quote]Make it so the body damage taken from a sniper shot is consistent amongst all snipers. About a 100-110 amount. [/quote] Why? this still makes snipers a 2 hit weapon to the body. [spoiler]Most of them anyway.[/spoiler]
As long as theyre still a 2 shot kill, i'd be ok with a reduction. May also give a reason to run the super high impact snipers like spindle.
And why do high impact snipers shoot as fast or faster than scouts? Should match them up to the fire rate of high impact shotties.
Good idea
I think body shots with a sniper should be have 199 damage. I also think that snipers should descope when they are hit in the head. The only sniper I use is NLB before. I figured I should point that out before some dipshit says anything about a "crutch".
In that case neither should body shoting with a primary. The goal is to "aim for the juice box" so why not return the body damage on the player since it shouldnt be rewarded. Or have them instantly did for shooting in the body....tsk tsk tsk....how dare they body shot you and kill you. Dem mean ole men.
Why would headshot damage matter for either since all snipers kill with headshots anyways...
I agree 100%, everyone hates you for it because everyone already got used to the clutch
Nothing? I thought so. *sigh* the forums will be the forums.