So my clan mates and I did a naughty thing last night and split into two groups of three and did classic rumble. But it was for a good cause and weren't boosting, this isn't that kind of post. We started a couple of matches doing a free for all, shooting each other and laughing like idiots. I hadn't felt like this since splitscreen Halo.
But then things got interesting when someone suggested all swords. All of a sudden we couldn't stop giggling as a conga line of us died in succession after bashing each other over the head with empty candlesticks. One titan decided to start skating around the perimeter of the map and it became our job to call a truce to hunt him down, and a custom game was born. It was the best time I'd had on destiny, and as it stands, it's exclusive to people with clans and friends. When I thought about all the hateful people on these forums, it made me sad. They've been struggling to get things nerfed or defend things that are exploits, and they take everything so seriously, there's no way they have friends they can do this with.
It made me realize that it's not custom games you guys want. It's party games. Stupid little diversions in a very serious game. I remember when the Dance emote was the most often used. Designing fun games and diversions is hard, and somehow I doubt bungie will design user-friendly tools for you to make your own, and even if they did, they don't have the storage space for 1000 different bad game modes and 100 good ones. You have to ask Bungie for party games. Juggernaut, bumper sparrows, Infected (with taken), Tomb Husk Football, I want everyone to feel the way I did last night, please upvote for the sake of fun.
[spoiler]Edit1: Jesus, I'm trending, this never happens! XD[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Edit 2: I made a new post outlining my plans for fixing the lag problems in the crucible. If you guys enjoyed this one, go check it out! [url][/url][/spoiler]
*Bungie sees you had fun* *Bans you for "cheating"*