Destiny launched almost two years ago now. That means that Bungie has had two years to progress the story on the Traveler, the Exo Stranger and the battle between the Light and the Darkness. However, nothing from those three major plot points has been elaborated on. Instead we've been given smaller (albeit amazing) tangents of stories that build on a lore that itself hasn't even been fully explained yet!
Now, in Year Three, we're going to be given a closer look into the Fallen's House of Devil's presence in the Cosmodrome as well as a closer look at the Battle of Twilight Gap (hopefully); but the main points still stand desolate and open to immense and fiery debate among the community. When will we be given answers as to where the Traveler came from? Where did the Darkness come from? Who was the Exo Stranger talking to and why didn't she have any time to explain? What is the whole purpose of everything we've been fighting for for the last three years?
Destiny had a major arcing story before it was cut just a few months before release and now we as a community have been left with what interesting sub plots Bungie has been able to piece together while they hopefully put together the bigger picture or wait for legal timing to run out. I am still loving Destiny and it's lacking story but I would love some depth in the game that I have already invested so much time into. I appreciate the story in the Taken King and I'll probably appreciate the story from Rise of Iron but, in the end, it doesn't even matter if we've come so far without even knowing why.
Please, Bungie... I think it's time to explain
Stranger has been busy shooting TWD