I was thinking of submitting this for Bungie's Art Contest.
But would you guys actually buy it?
For those who don't know what it means:
[quote]The day trials came back, one guy said that he got disconnected at 8 wins in 24 minutes after trials went live. Cosmo asked him skeptically
[quote]you got 8 wins in 24 minutes?[/quote][/quote]
Final Edit:
Thanks to everyone who commented and/or voted. Over 800 votes.
And thanks for the criticism. It really was helpful.
That's why I like this community. Until next time!
Designed like that? No, I would not.
No. The joke is old already. The fact that Bungie has allowed that post to remain for the entire community to continue ridicule that guy, but you can't name shame cheaters, is just another showcase of their inconsistent Community Management and just as childish and idiotic as the guy that was lying.
Change it to "8 girls in 24 minutes"...
I wouldn't. It's too much of an inside joke. Not only would only people who play destiny understand it but it's only a fraction of the destiny population that would understand the reference.
That's means he spent 3 minutes in each match. Unheard of
LuCKyy and BW already made that shirt. They included an eye of Osiris with a tear leaking out. Tears of Osiris :)
Edited by CatMan: 7/12/2016 6:42:03 PMEdit: I would because I get the joke, I saw the post when it was first put up….lol Id buy it.
I like the idea, but it's a very specific reference that not many people would get.
A better version would just show a flawless run
Without the text, yes lol.
If it was a shirt Not made and sold by Bungie i probably would yes but if made and sold by Bungie then I'd say F*ck No!
Did he have 8 wins or 8 disconnects? Sorry I'm confused
I don't feel like many people would understand this joke.
i don't get it. guess there's an inside joke or something.
Change what it says to "Join the club"
Penis poll
50% of voters are lying.
I might buy it but never wear it LOL
No, because Cosmo has never said anything I'd wear on a t-shirt.
I don't get it
Make me one with the Challenge of Elders yawn and I'll buy it for $777,777,77,00 today.
Edited by Talk2MeToner: 7/11/2016 1:50:05 PMWhy is 8 wins in 24 unbelievable? You yet a free one and another free one for winning the first game. So theoretically you could already be at 3 in like 2 mins
This is where you cross the line...
No because I can't get 5 wins much less 8.
How in the hell is this art?