I got hate mail for using supression grenades in mayhem the other day
my default response is "you mad bro?"
things tend to get entertaining fast when you just respond with the same canned response every time
"Yawn" is a classic bait response, try that one out next time if you wanna change things up.
I always send them this: No fan mail pls." that really pisses them off
Lol I found this hidden Jem playing mayhem clash yesterday. Made me realize just how good a bubble bro can be. Got a little hate mail from a golden gun and stormtrance that I shut down mid super 3 times each in a match. All I could do was laugh...
It's very satisfying to disable a special.
It's just depressing that it's come to this. Hatemail for the first curse? Really? If this becomes a regular thing I might cry myself to sleep every night.
people complain about everything when you're good, or not even good, just better than them. it's the trophy generation man.
I got called cheap for using thorn on people who want to sit back and zoom their snipers all game -_-