"CYAN, NO!" [b]Ornstein starts to hold Cyan back.[/b] "I'll deal with him later..."
Bramd - old
Get out of my way! *Cyan is flailing around with the knife in her hand* -
"CYAN! Calm down!!" [b]The knife slices Orn in the chest. He doesn't bother to look at it as he tries taking it.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Cyan bursts into tears as she tries to get to Smough, slicing at the air around you* NO! KILL HIM! KILL HIMMM!!!! -
S:"I didn't mea-" O:"Get out. GET OUT, YOU MONSTER. I SHOULDN'T HAVE LET YOU LIVE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. GET OUT!" [b]Smough walks out.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Cyan jerks free from your grasp and runs next to Mortar on his bed, crying* What... what happened? How did this happen? -
"I watched the fight... Mortar overloaded himself and...oh damnit... This is my fault. I thought it be a good idea to host a stupid-ass arena fight and I thought that the revival thing would save anything but..." [b]Ornstein falls to the ground.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Cyan looks at you, tears in her eyes* It's... it's not your fault... it's... I'm sorry, I really am... Mortar... Gore... he was doing things he had never done before... overloaded himself... I'm sorry, Ornstein. -
"I should've known...I should've known... Damnit..." [b]He stands up, looking down and shaking his head.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Cyan sits next to you, trying to comfort you just as Wit barges in* Wit: I came as soon as I could! What happened? *Crossbow isn't far behind him* -
"...I...I need to tell the Nameless King... The last Lord of Cinder, the Heir of Fire...has fallen..." [b]He starts to sob.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Wit runs over to the bed, trying all sorts of chants, symbols, runes, anything that can bring him back... but none of this works. Despite Wit studying this for years he has never been able to bring someone back.* Wit: I'm sorry, sir, but he is gone. Crossbow: I wish Mortar told us how he brought people back. He's done it with Me, Wit, and Cadmael. -
[b]Orn is muttering to himself now, holding his head.[/b] "...My fault...I should've known...should've known..." [b]He breaks down again.[/b]
Bramd - old
Wit: Cross, can you help me prepare the body? Crossbow: Yeah, let's carry him out. If that's okay with you two. Cyan: You can, if you must prepare him. Ornstein? -
Bramd - old
Is it okay if they take him out to prepare for the burial? -
"Of course...why wouldn't it be?"
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Cyan: Some people just want to say goodbye a last time before the funeral. *Wit and Crossbow wheel him out of the room* -
"I'll try to attend...I don't know about Smough though... He looked worse than me..."
Bramd - old
Cyan: Of course... *Mion flies back in, noticing that Wit and Crossbow are bringing Mortar to his house* Mion: Damn, he is dead? Wow... where did Smough go? -
"He's probably at our apartment... If you need me to do anything for the funeral Cyan...I'm willing."
Bramd - old
Cyan: I appreciate the offer, however you have done enough, I suppose it's best if you waited until the funeral. *Mion flies out the window and lands in front of your apartment. He scratches on the door like crazy* -
"Yeah...ok..." [b]No response.[/b]
Bramd - old
[b]Still no response.[/b]