Widely agreed among the community that the perk Army of One is a poor man's Grenadier, [b]yet Army of One gives both Grenade and Melee energy while Grenadier, only gives grenade energy per kill[/b]. On paper, Army of One is superior to Grenadier but yet Grenadier is considered top tier when compared. Let's start off with this:
[b]Army of One: Quick and unassisted kills grant grenade and melee energy.[/b]
• On sniper rifles, this is a fantastic perk, especially if you get [b]headshots[/b] often.
• Hand Cannons and Fast RoF Pulse Rifles (Eyasluna/Grasp of Malok/Hawksaw) do benefit from this perk greatly, more than Scout and Auto Rifles due to its time to kill.
• Gain more melee and grenade energy. More wombo combos, firebolts, flame shields, op Striker melee that's balanced, MORE KILLS!
• Heavy weapons are powerful. Take the Bane of the Taken for example. Undoubtedly one of the fastest TTK in the game and least likely to be assisted because of its fast TTK.
Yet the only reason why this is considered underutilized is because of the description: [b]Quick and Unassisted.[/b]
Meaning, you can't have others take kills from you, can't help you with kills, and it has to be under a certain amount of time before it becomes inactive.
Then we have Grenadier: Kills with this weapon grant bonus grenade energy.
While you may get more grenades with this perk, on the contrary to Army of One, you just need to get a kill, with or without help from your teammates. [b]It doesn't matter how much health a guardian has. If you get the killing blow, you'll grant more grenade energy.[/b]
[b]Also the fact that Grenadier is more accessible to weapons than Army of One does[/b] ([u]All primaries, snipers, fusion rifles, shotguns, and machine guns[/b])
Yet then brings the question.
Why is Grenadier considerably and widely better than Army of One?
How much energy does each perk give?
Army of One: How "quick" do you need to kill someone before time's up?
Do both perks give out flat bonuses or by your Discipline/Strength Tier?
[b][u]Would you dismantle a weapon because of Army of One? (Ex. Two Grasps of Malok have Red Dot-OAS, Counterbalance and Braced Frame/Hand-Laid Stock, but one has Army of One and the other has Grenadier. What would you choose?)[/b][/u]
I think [url=]this[/url] will answer most of your questions. I prefer Grenadier simply because of its consistency to proc. But I think both are great utility perks to have.