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Edited by michael: 7/9/2016 1:35:58 AM

flaunt your favourite unique loadouts for pvp

hey everyone. seems like these days nobody uses anything for fun anymore in the crucible. its all sweat sweat sweat and people using all the best guns in the game to win. of course there isnt anything wrong with using whats powerful and trying to win, but sometimes its good to try something new!! so here in this thread, i want to know your favourite crucible loadouts that are unique. here are a few of mine: gunslinger, last word, tao hua yuan. this may seem like a meta build because of last word, but its the best gun ive found that goes with the sniper. most people will dismantle this sniper right as they get it, but i tried it and its actually a lot of fun. ive always had a thing for high rate of fire snipers. wish i had a weylorans :(. plus using gunslinger is always fun. and another ive enjoyed: bladedancer, lord high fixer, party crasher (on my hunter if you want to see the build) i love this loadout and i dont know why. hunter is my favourite shotgun class, and considering everyone seems to use nightstalker for shotgunning but i wanted to try something else. plus my lord high fixer is kinda op. loads of fun and extremely effective as well. some of my [i]warm up games[/i] this morning with this loadout were high 2 to 3 k/d games!!

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  • The weapons that Tongue of Ahamkara uses are... Different. Weapons of the Darkness. And I do very well with them. Voidwalker Warlock (Main) Soulstealer's Claw, Lord of Wolves, Elulium's Frenzy. Running a Blink build that allows for the most insane dodging and speed you could possibly imagine, I've stood my ground and made Golden Gunners waste all 3 shots, made Fist of panics miss completely, and even made a friend by shadowing [i][u]through[/u][/i] someone's nova bomb and having a little Shakespearean emote play afterward. (They grieved, I slow clapped, someone off to the right killed them, I killed that guy, some other dude somewhere on the map cheered. Rumble is quite entertaining.) My other, less used but still great build is, Titan Defender, Hard Light, The Comedian (Ha. Ah Ha. Ah Ha ha ha. HA ha ha ha ha ha) and The Ash Factory. This one's using Armor of Light, usually along with Twilight Garrison, but I also like No Backup Plans. whenever you throw your bubble up, stay in that thing, pull out the Comedian, (Always have your dusting emote at the ready) And get ready to go on a 10 killstreak while people try to come in and shotgun you. Give them some milk, Lord Shaxx, would you? you can eat 10 shells before you even start to take health damage. Your allies can too. The ONLY thing that can kill you in there is a super, so run Suppressor grenades and if you see someone with a hammer or a Storm surge, wait for the right time, drop the nade inside the bubble and skate your way out, they just lost their super privelages and now you can bury them and go back into your fotress.

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