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7/13/2016 2:18:57 PM

What really salts my fries.

You know what's always pissed me off, triggered me, grinded my gears, salted my fries, boiled my veggies (etc)? People who write, and have no talent in doing it. Yet they share it with the public, or more specifically within earshot or eyesight of me. Especially you wanna be novelists. The dialogue is often trash, and it's filled with cliché after cliché. More often then not the person is ripping off about three different novels, and substituting their own characters in... which are often a homeless man's version of other popular characters. OR they're writing themselves really in as the main character, and inputting themselves as important people who do cool shit. You know these people. These are the 15 year olds who say "I'm writing my own book actually" and take writing classes to make sure they could share their trash with everyone else. And then there are admittedly the people who try to go their own way, they suck too, usually at things like poetry though. This gets at me less, due to the fact that at least they try to be original. And poetry is usually a lot easier to hide mistakes in, unless someone decides an epic would be a great thing to try. The faults with them is usually in either structure or usage of literary devices to communicate the points of the given piece. Sometimes they get lucky and hit a marginally acceptable piece. Praise is due where praise is due. But I suppose I hate the people who build them up more. "It's art! It's expression! That was wonderful!" And all this other crock shit. Teachers are often the worst offenders. They hand out compliments (in my experience) like a stereotypical old woman and candy. But I guess that's because most of "them" are emotionally vulnerable people who seek praise. By doing something with a low and flexible bar for judging "talent" I guess they can get it. I shouldn't fault them so much for wishing to express themselves, but I do, and I will. Even if you aren't emotionally vulnerable, if you suck at writing, you should not do it where I can see it. It's an affront to my delicate sensibilities. Harsh? Absolutely. Salty? You're goddamn right. I pull no punches with English or its affiliates. I've seen a lot of writing in my time, and a lot of it was bad. And they should feel bad. Because my opinion on their garbage is right, and their friends are wrong. [i]Your metaphor for your self abuse in that stanza was trash, your constructed relationships are full of holes, awfully described emotions, and poorly structured cliché, and yes, I could do a better job than you.[/i] Just because someone said writing is art, doesn't mean it can't be shit. [spoiler]Don't like it? Don't read it. Hated it? don't comment. I could say the same to you internet stranger.[/spoiler]

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  • I hear the #Density forum has the best salt.

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    • I like being dumb to rustle Intellectuals jimmies

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      • i will write u a poem: [i]succ succ succ[/i] ur welcome bby

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        • Fuk u CaptainWu

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        • This story sucked ass op I expected better

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          • But fries with salt on them are good tho?

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          • I have an original piece I'd like to share Talos the mighty! Talos the unerring! Talos the unassailable! To you we give praise! We are but maggots, writhing in the filth of our own corruption! While you have ascended from the dung of mortality, and now walk among the stars! But you were once man! Aye! And as man, you said, "Let me show you the power of Talos Stormcrown, born of the North, where my breath is long winter. I breathe now, in royalty, and reshape this land which is mine. I do this for you, Red Legions, for I love you." Aye, love. Love! Even as man, great Talos cherished us. For he saw in us, in each of us, the future of Skyrim! The future of Tamriel! And there it is, friends! The ugly truth! We are the children of man! Talos is the true god of man! Ascended from flesh, to rule the realm of spirit! The very idea is inconceivable to our Elven overlords! Sharing the heavens with us? With man? Ha! They can barely tolerate our presence on earth! Today, they take away your faith. But what of tomorrow? What then? Do the elves take your homes? Your businesses? Your children? Your very lives? And what does the Empire do? Nothing! Nay, worse than nothing! The Imperial machine enforces the will of the Thalmor! Against its own people! So rise up! Rise up, children of the Empire! Rise up, Stormcloaks! Embrace the word of mighty Talos, he who is both man and Divine! For we are the children of man! And we shall inherit both the heavens and the earth! And we, not the Elves or their toadies, will rule Skyrim! Forever! Terrible and powerful Talos! We, your unworthy servants, give praise! For only through your grace and benevolence may we truly reach enlightenment! And deserve our praise you do, for we are one! Ere you ascended and the Eight became Nine, you walked among us, great Talos, not as god, but as man! Trust in me, Whiterun! Trust in the words of Heimskr! For I am the chosen of Talos! I alone have been anointed by the Ninth to spread his holy word!

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            • And so your hell has been determined. [spoiler]Life eternal spent reading My Little Pony fanfictions.[/spoiler]

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              • Edited by f3: 7/14/2016 6:44:15 PM
                [quote]Especially you wanna be novelists. [/quote] lol "wanna be" lol [quote]These are the 15 year olds who say "I'm writing my own book actually" and take writing classes to make sure they could share their trash with everyone else. [/quote] Comma after "say" plz. [quote]I've seen a lot of writing in my time, and a lot of it was bad. And they should feel bad.[/quote] The writing should feel bad? [quote]Just because someone said writing is art, doesn't mean it can't be shit.[/quote] That's a weird place for a comma. [quote]Hated it? don't comment.[/quote] Caps plz. [spoiler]lol had to sry rip[/spoiler]

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                2 Replies
                • I write alot but never share it

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                • Edited by Agwara: 7/14/2016 1:58:08 PM
                  [spoiler]During the summer my waifu, my two kids, and I go out to this cabin. It had been a normal day at the cabin; we fished, picked wild berries, shot a grouse, and had a campfire near sunset. After the campfire family time we all went back into the cabin to sleep. While the kids slept in the sidebed my waifu and I decided to do "the do" instead of getting some sleep. After we had done "the do" and the whole cabin interior got covered in sexual juices we both heard a noise. It sounded like a beep boop bop. My waifu and I quickly cleaned ourselves off and put on clothes. Unfortunately I had put on her clothes she and she put on mine. That did not matter as we shook our heads and headed out. Only a few meters away, out on the lakeside, stood three meter tall mechanical creatures. My waifu and I hid in the bushes and listened in on their conversation. "EVER SINCE WE HAVE BEEN INSTALLED ON EARTH WE HAVE MADE SEVERAL DISTRACTIONS FOR THE HUMANS SUCH AS ISIS, BLACK LIVES MATTER, AND SHITTY TUMBLR BLOGS." One of them croaked out. "YES. THIS IS PERFECT. OUR INVASION IS ABSOLUTE. WHILE AMERICA IS BUSY DEBATING ON WHETHER OR NOT PAINT IS A GENDER AND HOW TO INTERPRET THE QURAN, WE'VE BUILT UP AN ARMY," a second one croaked out then coughed, "WE'LL DESTROY AMERICA AND TAKE OVER, THEN THE REST OF THE WORLD WILL THINK AMERICA WERE ALIENS THE WHOLE TIME THUS RUINING AMERICA'S REPUTATION! EVIL LAUGH!!" "BUT SIR, AMERICA WILL BE DESTROYED, THERE WOULD BE NO POINT IN RUINING ITS REPUTATION." One of the machines retorted. "QUIET, MINIONBOT#34 TYPE-VI, THE REST OF US WANT TO BASK IN THIS GLORIOUS PLAN." The bot that seemed to be their leader turned to the first bot. "NOW MINIONBOT #18 TYPE-XXV, PREPARE THE AMERICA DESTROYING MISSILE!" My waifu and I huddled together. I cried into her bosom. I cried at the thoughts of these robots trying to ruin America's reputation. I cried at the thought of my country's reputation being ruined. I looked up from her 2-dimension breasts and saw pure godliness. My waifu and those damned bots also looked at it. A knight. A knight that wore hardened scabs of blood of his enemies as his armor. A knight that had three, glowing black eyes; one eye to check out hot babes, one eye to see if the food he's going to eat is any good, and another eye to make him look badass as fuсk. In one hand he wielded a sword, the blade made of the bones of an elephant and the handle made of the bones of a bear. "SHIT FUСK MC-COCKBITES, IT IS OUR WORST ENEMY, THE KNIGHT OF UNFUСK." A bot croaked out. "HOLD ON BOIZ, I GOT THIS." A bot ran to punch the knight. The bot, instead, got sliced in two; twice. "DAMMIT. I GUESS WE HAVE GOTTEN REKT." "Indeed," the Knight of Unfuсk said, "first, I'll beat the shit out of you bots and then I'll shut down the America Destroying Missile." "NO. WE HAVE BEEN FOILED." The Knight of Unfuсk quickly destroyed the bots then flew away to wherever they kept the America Destroying Missile. And on that night my waifu and I slept in the underbrush with the thoughts of the Knight of Unfuсk still fresh in our heads.[/spoiler] Is this good enough?

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                  3 Replies
                  • You know what? I don't like reading terrible stories full of clichés and grammatical errors either, but I like encouraging the people who write them, so they'll continue writing and get better at it. Same goes for any other type of art.

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                    1 Reply
                    • Kind of an odd thing to get upset about. These are kids you're referring to, right?

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                      8 Replies
                      • I take offense to this as a potato

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                      • I suffer from having -blam!-ing amazing ideas, and no real ability to put them on paper.

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                        2 Replies
                        • That really socks my crocs

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                        • Wait are you saying you [b]dont [/b] like salted fries?

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                        • The chronicles of CaptainWu

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                        • You know what really dumps my Trump?

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                          30 Replies
                          • [quote]Hated it? don't comment.[/quote] Says the guy who just spent too much time commenting on something he obviously hates

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                            • [i]As if God himself had decided my fate, the window opened and my one and only fuсk flew out into the dark unknown. Never to be seen again.[/i]

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                              12 Replies
                              • Now I don't want to try writing. ._.

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                              • What really stirs my pasta

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                                  Hah, someone's salty his novel was too trash to be published.

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                                  • I'm sorry, you don't determine where I can and can't place my writing. If my stuff is on eyesight of you, then by God, you can shut your eyes and head on.

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                                    • What about the people who are just starting out and want public input?

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