1. If can only fire twice because the sun is used up after both shots.
2. It can't move, it's a goddamn planet, not a spaceship.
3. Too. Damn. Vulnerable.
4. I'm sure the cost of the thing was at least twice it costed to build the two Death Stars.
5. Death Star was better in every way...except for that damn ventilation...
Well what did you expect on the Death Star? You can't just bottle up the energy to blow up a planet. That shit needs to vent! Besides, anyone other than Luke physically could not make a successful run. The port is the size of a rodent (rather impressive for a MOON SIZED BATTLE STATION), pushes heat OUT due to it being exhaust, and the torpedoes would need to drop a solid 90 degrees in seconds (i.e. use the force). Its not like an architect or engineer can account for space magic!