Also the whole bringing up shotgun point. A sniper nerf has nothing to do with shotguns, fusion rifles, or side arms. Sniper are in a state were they dominate any form of PVP and that's a massive issue. Trials for example, shouldn't be about who is the best sniper but the best player but sniper have become the crutch for trials, for skirmish, elimination, because who needs a head shot when a body and a primary does the same thing? Why do I need a shotgun when a low zoom snipers is stronger? The answer is you don't and snipers are able to fulfill roles they shouldn't.
Edited by Ness: 7/14/2016 10:33:46 PMAgain, snipers are in no way more powerful than shotguns. Maybe they're stronger than fusions and arguably side arms, but they are on equal ground with shotguns at best. Like I said before, real competitive teams use 2 shotgunners for a good reason, and that is that they can kill more consistently than snipers can. Watch tournaments with iAM or Primal, and you'll know what I'm talking about. And if you get body primaried, then that's probably your fault for pushing too aggressively. This isn't battlefield, the Devs themselves even said it's ok for snipers to have a close quarters role if players have the skill to use them. While I agree that most Trials teams use more snipers, it doesn't mean that shotguns are weaker.
But shotguns are a part the equation there isn't a reason to defend how OP snipers are in this game.