Bramd - old
Cyan: That is gonna be a real problem. A guy that big... -
"I'm not talking about him being a threat. He doesn't seem like it, but...he's helped me in so many different situations...I owe my life to the big guy. And I don't want it to be torn apart just because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time."
Bramd - old
Crossbow: I think he's a lost cause Cyan: Cross! Crossbow: What? Every time I walk past your apartment, I hear him talking to himself, can hear him talking to Mortar. He obviously can't, though. -
[b]Orn suddenly snaps.[/b] "If you ever talk about my brother like that again, I will rip you to pieces, you skeleton scumbag." [b]He realizes that he has his spear draw.[/b]
Bramd - old
Crossbow: Damn, man, relax. I'm just saying that you ought to talk to him, or he may go hollow quicker. -
"I doubt that..." [b]The knight shakes his head, walking away.[/b]
Bramd - old
Cyan: W-Where are you going Ornstein? -
[b]He just goes back to sitting down in one of the chairs. Silence.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Cyan watches Ornstein walk back, not wanting to say anything because she doesn't know what to say* -
[b]He starts murmuring, holding his head and shaking a little.[/b]
Bramd - old
*After a few more people give speeches, Crossbow comes up* Crossbow: I would like to thank you all for giving these beautiful speeches. Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye for the last time. We will leave him out for a few minutes, but after that, we will place him in the lake. Thank you. -
[b]Orn just sits there. Silent. He doesn't even look up.[/b]
Bramd - old
*After a few minutes, Wit levitates the box Mortar is in and gently lowers it to the bottom. The box is no longer seen in the water after a while. People begin to pack up and leave* -
[b]Ornstein doesn't notice. He's still in his chair.[/b]
Bramd - old
*More time passes. Around you, Wit and Crossbow are putting away the chairs, until they get to your chair* Wit: Sorry man, but the funeral is over. -
"Yeah, yeah...alright." [b]Orn gets up, picking his chair up for Wit to take it.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Wit takes the chair* I'm sorry, Ornstein. I know you were close -
"Yeah...thanks." [b]Ornstein walks away. Back to his apartment.[/b]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]end?[/spoiler] -
[spoiler]Yeah. But I'll have a post with Smough up soon...[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Oh, okay[/spoiler]