TL:DR[spoiler] Give "Ward of Dawn kills" points for both players, possibly increase the Defender to full assist points for any kills by teammates who are using the buff from that Defender's Ward of Dawn.[/spoiler]
Many posts have talked about "the chart" and point out that the incredibly low k/d of the Defender subclass really reduces the incentive to play as one in PvP.
Most solutions suggested are asking for ways of making the Defender more offensively potent. Many, including me, don't like that idea as it seems to kill variety. I like that it is a support class. If I want to play Offender, I have two other subclasses for that.
K/D (alone) doesn't win matches. Points win matches. Defenders can help their teams score points by holding down a Control zone or protecting a heavy ammo crate (once a match... woo!) without getting kills of their own.
But! Ward of Dawn buffs teammates, and I don't see that coming into team play very much. Why? Other players risk getting wrecked if they are near that giant Nova Bomb or Stormtrance target a.k.a. the bubble.
My suggestion:
Give teams a reason to use the bubble. If a teammate gets a kill while buffed by Ward of Dawn, how about giving the Defender a full assist [b]and[/b] incentivize the teammate to pick up the buff, give the killer 10 to 20 "Ward of Dawn kill" points and the Defender the same (or more, the full 25 point assist).
A support character isn't supposed to top the K/D board or the scoreboard every game, but a more tangible indicator that the class [i] helps the team win [/i] might be in order.
One thing I would like to see is less supers being able to destroy a bubble and kill whomever is inside like goldengun, shatter nova bomb and fist of panic. I think to destroy a bubble you should have to dedicate your super to destroying the bubble and the bubble only. So like a goldengun should take 3 shots to destroy a bubble, shatter should require all three nova bombs to destroy the bubble, and fist of havoc should only destroy the bubble. Also I think people don't play defender because most people like slaying supers.