I just don't understand! He's better than Hitlery Clinton and there really isn't any one else out there. Plus his ideas are pretty ok 👌🤑👍 it's just that people dont like them. rnexico doesn't want that wall built (even though they built one in Guatemala😏) illegals don't want to be jailed or put back in their country. It's just so...Stupid! I'm in Wisconsin for vacation and watched the news at a hotel and they were talking about clinton supporters going 1 on 1 with people like churches!
Hillary is the only F not fit to be president
Edit: forgot the Email in female.
People hate Trump because anyone with a functioning brain will know that his policies just don't hold up. Also the guy ropes in voters by lying constantly (and I mean CONSTANTLY), fear mongering, and by using hyperboles along with simplistic language. He has you fooled. Dont be another blind sheep moving into the herd.