Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Caesar appears to show pity for her, even though his helmet doesn't show his face* He was a good man, great in combat, a good person, didn't know much about him other than that. His father overthrew mine and became the king of a Royal Underworld. I made it my duty to subdue Gore after he was born, because I knew he would be used as a war machine, but I was impressed when he revolted, and assisted him. We almost won until he was killed, but he came back as Mortar. I've talked with him a few times and he suggested this place, and I'd wish to join. -
"Well it is a good place with many different people from all over the place " says leyla
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
Yes, I have heard about it, I had to research this place before I join. -
"Oh is that so well all something going on even now"says leyla
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
Of course. May I come into the Dojo please? I feel as if I could assist greatly, for I have heard of your struggles with the Twilight. -
"I dont see the harm follow i show you to his grave"says leyla [i]leyla holds open the door and gestures for you to follow[/i]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
Thank you ma'am. *Caesar walks through the gates* -
[i]she leads him to mortars resting place she kneels and is silent for a moment. When she gets up she wipes tears from her eyes.[/i]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Caesar kneels down, head facing the ground. He is mumbling something you can't hear. He gets up and faces you* Thank you Leyla. This must be hard on you all. -
"Yes is especially when have explain it to four little ones my nieces and nephews why he wont be coming back"says leyla
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
You have children? You look much too young to have children. -
"Their my nieces and nephews and im a lot older than i look."says leyla
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
Oh, okay. It seems as if nothing is what it looks here, is it? -
"Nope and i just age really slow. Im 18,000 years old"says leyla
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
Hmm... Not bad. Of course, I'm not exactly young either. I stopped counting after fifty thousand years. -
"Your older than my sister but my father is 500,000years old"says leyla "Im part elder dragon"says leyla
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
Oh, that's impressive. I thought a lot of the elder dragons died off or disappeared, just went under the radar -
"Nope were still here we just hid thats all there more of us on mirror mirror island just south of Madagascar the island has special wards in place so only a select few can see it or set foot on the island but there are human but it a 5:1 ratio there are more dragons on this island than anything else"says leyla
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
So there must be very few people or a lot of dragons -
"There's more dragons than people"says leyla
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
Oh, okay -
"Yup my dad is a elder dragon and my mom was a elder mermaid "says leyla
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Caesar nods as he listens* -
"Oh sorry im starting to ramble on aren't i"says leyla
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
Oh, no, continue please