[b]He slams into Nora who stumbles backwards, withdrawing her sword [/b]
Bramd - old
*Caesar rushes at you again* -
[b]Nora jumps and dropkicks him [/b]
Bramd - old
*Grunting, Caesar quickly gets up and slashes at Nora, shield ready to defend.* -
[b]The Slash attacks midair, considering that Nora fell to her back when she dropkicked you. She rolls, getting to her feet[/b]
Bramd - old
*Caesar stabs the blade into the ground, the flames fly out in a shockwave and send you flying back. They then fly back into the sword when he takes it out of the ground* -
[b]Nora only skids back a few feet. Before slashing the ground, sending a fire wave at him [/b]
Bramd - old
*Caesar holds his shield over his face to deflect the flames, then slowly circles you, creating afterimages, making it hard to tell who the correct Caesar is.* -
"That's how you want to play huh?" [b]She grabs her sword and pulls out apart. Creating several alternative Nora's [/b]
Bramd - old
*Caesar watches you, attempting to pick out the original one* -
[b]Nora does the same, searching for the real Julius [/b]
Bramd - old
*It's just Caesar. I got your reference, it's just not needed here.* *Caesar jumps at one of the Noras, making more afterimages and pretty much becoming a walking migraine. He separates you from your copies and closes in on you* -
*It was a good reference* [b]Nora, having spotted you as well creates even more versions, losing herself in the crowd of now 20[/b]
Bramd - old
*Caesar laughs as he stabs his sword in the ground again, sending a shockwave through the ground, eliminating all of the copies, both yours and his own.* -
[b]Nora is now longer able to be seen [/b]
Bramd - old
Where the hell did she go. *Caesar holds his sword and shield in a defensive stance* -
[b]The ash from previously begins to swirl like a tornado [/b]
Bramd - old
*He faces the tornado* Hmm... -
[b]it continues swirling [/b] "You're not a bad fighter. But I don't think you should have Mortar's sword." [b]Nora is sitting behind you[/b] "I don't mean any offense by that."
Bramd - old
*He quickly turns around* Hey, when you save his life more times than you can count, come back to me. -
[b]She looks around. Then looks at you [/b] "I'm back. Well to be fair it wasn't me that saved him. But there definitely is someone who's done more then you. Like Wit. Or Crossbow. Or Cyan. Or Roy."
Bramd - old
Sorry Ma'am, but you do not know me. You do not know what I have done. Here is a man, inches from death, almost literally losing his head, I go and bust him out of the disease filled cell, have to literally breath life back into him. He was a wanted man, and I was able to keep him hidden as he recovered. Many times. I helped him out when no one else would, he said right before he died that he owed me his life. *Caesar sighs* It looks like I lost that. So i have his sword. -
"I don't like you. I don't know why. Maybe it's the way you talk about him. Like he owed you this sword. Like he was your toy."
Bramd - old
No, he was an ally, he was a friend, he will be missed. However, he said it himself that if he died, I could have it. Brings me memories of him, I guess. -
"Whatever.'' [b]Nora still seems irritated [/b]