Bramd - old
*Caesar recoils slightly and stabs the blade into the ground, sending a green flaming shockwave through the ground, sending you flying. The flames then rush back to the sword as it is pulled from the ground* -
*She adjusts in midair and lands back on her feet. She boosts at you once more but this time she falls short and hits the ground causing her to slide between your legs. As she does so, she grabs your legs, pulling your feet right out from under you.*
Bramd - old
*Caesar falls on his stomach but gets up quickly and picks you up, throwing you into a lake* -
[u]Water![/u] *She scrambles out of the lake, boosts towards you, picks you up and throws you in too.*
Bramd - old
*Caesar laughs a little as the water breaks his fall. He goes underwater, his helmet allowing him to breathe a little more underwater. He waits for you to react* -
*She just crosses her arms and stands at the edge of the lake.*
Bramd - old
*He waits for her to get closer* -
*He just stands there, silent.*
Bramd - old
*He quickly grabs her ankle and pulls her in. He shakes her around a lot then gets out quickly.* -
*Before you can get out, she grabs you by the leg as well and pulls you back under, repeatedly punching you in the face.*
Bramd - old
*Caesar stabs the sword in your arm letting water flow in. He quickly scrambles to get out* -
*Nothing happens for about ten seconds but she suddenly flies out of the water and lands on top of you, pinning your arms down.*
Bramd - old
*Caesar chuckles as he moves his arm slightly, then saying something in a different language, forming a hardlight shield on his arm 3 feet in diameter. You bounce off it* -
*She steps back.* [u]Great, a shield too?[/u]
Bramd - old
Yes, a shield -
[u]How about fighting hand-to-hand?[/u]
Bramd - old
... Fine -
*Sapphire gets into some sort of guard.* "I am ready when you are."
Bramd - old
*Caesar sheaths his sword* You first -
*She lunges at you, punching you in the gut.*
Bramd - old
*He quickly sidesteps and twists your arm behind your back* -
*Her propulsion pack fires, sending both you and her flying into the air. She twists around in midair and slams you into the ground.*
Bramd - old
*Caesar falls on his ass, scrambling to get up* Hey! -
*She stops right before she punches you in the face.* [u]What?[/u] *She proceeds to punch you in the face.*
Bramd - old
*She dents his helmet a little while Caesar delivers a strong punch to your gut*