originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Yes is especially when have explain it to four little ones my nieces and nephews why he wont be coming back"says leyla
You have children? You look much too young to have children.
"Their my nieces and nephews and im a lot older than i look."says leyla
Oh, okay. It seems as if nothing is what it looks here, is it?
"Nope and i just age really slow. Im 18,000 years old"says leyla
Hmm... Not bad. Of course, I'm not exactly young either. I stopped counting after fifty thousand years.
"Your older than my sister but my father is 500,000years old"says leyla "Im part elder dragon"says leyla
Oh, that's impressive. I thought a lot of the elder dragons died off or disappeared, just went under the radar
"Nope were still here we just hid thats all there more of us on mirror mirror island just south of Madagascar the island has special wards in place so only a select few can see it or set foot on the island but there are human but it a 5:1 ratio there are more dragons on this island than anything else"says leyla
So there must be very few people or a lot of dragons
"There's more dragons than people"says leyla
Oh, okay
"Yup my dad is a elder dragon and my mom was a elder mermaid "says leyla
*Caesar nods as he listens*
"Oh sorry im starting to ramble on aren't i"says leyla
Oh, no, continue please
"Well the island i come from is a beautiful subtropical island most of the island is untouched by man" says leyla
Sounds beautiful. It's untouched because of the image of it not being there?
"Yes it hasn't changed much and what little humans are they have learn to take only what they need and nothing more"says leyla
Sounds great
"Yeah it is"says leyla
So... Should we go in?
"You gotta pass a test from one of the lieutenants before you can and i am not one"she says
Oh... I guess you're right. I may look intimidating but at least I'm fair. *Caesar sighs as he looks at the dojo behind it's massive walls*
"Yeah without rules the world would be in chaos"says leyla
Yeah... Of course too many rules aren't good. A little chaos isn't bad, we don't want rights restricted.