Not my God. I guess I could just start yanking out Bible verses. But it won't do you any good. As a Christian my job isn't to prove God to you. You already know he exsist. My job is to share the gospel with you.
The bible is not proof that God exists. Wow what a simpleton you are.
Oh so we are going to name calling now? Cool. And you still haven't given me any source on your part. What divine word has told you that it doesn't exist?
I'm not saying that it doesn't exist. I don't believe it but I can't prove it. Same as you, you can't prove that there is only your God or any God at all, which is the whole point of this thread. You give religious folk a bad rep.
Wait so you can't prove me wrong? Correct?
The burden of proof lies upon you.
Says who? I already stated that my job isn't to prove anything. I'm supposed to share the gospel with you, and then you'll understand. You need to see your need to turn from the sin in your life. Believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, loved a perfect life, died and three days later rose again. He ascended into Heaven and He will come back again. I know He's real because of the change He's done in my life. And you still haven't given me a source for your argument. You stated that you don't know if God even exsist. You've admitted to not