"Whatever.'' [b]Nora still seems irritated [/b]
Bramd - old
Look. I'm sorry for his death. However I am honoring his wish. Letting him live on. -
[b]Nora is silent. She seems to be tearing up. When she speaks her words are full of sadness [/b] "If I were you. Id hand the sword above a fireplace. Leave it somewhere. Because it Hurts."
Bramd - old
*Caesar sighs as he sheaths the sword, the green line on the sheath fades* Fine. If I must, I will look for something new. However, I will use it if I must. -
"You can use it all you want. I'm just telling you want I would do."
Bramd - old
Of course. *Caesar sits down on a stump, heavily exhaling* -
"What is it?"
Bramd - old
I don't know. I miss him, however I must keep moving forward. That is what my father taught me. -
"No you don't. You're allowed to grieve. Especially for Mortar."
Bramd - old
Yes. I do. If I don't, I feel as if I disgraced him. -
"If you don't allow yourself to grieve, you disgrace him even more."
Bramd - old
*Caesar is silent a moment* I guess... -
"If you do not grieve. And continue like you are. Then it will seem as though he meant nothing."
Bramd - old
I guess... *He lowers his head, holding it with his hand as his elbow is resting on his knee* He will be missed. -
"Very much so."
Bramd - old
*He nods.* Do not worry about him, though. The age of the Royal Underworld, the harshest, most genocidal age, has fallen, he will be safe. -
"What does it mean? The Royal Underworld? Why is it called that?"
Bramd - old
When his father was king, he created the Royal Underworld, an age of darkness and death. He literally killed almost everyone when he died. -
"But why Royal Underworld?"
Bramd - old
It was one of the longest running ages, and had the most people in it's Royal family -
"Ah. Makes sense. Very odd name."
Bramd - old
I guess... -
"You remember the Roy I spoke of earlier? Well his Name, or at least as he claims. Is Royal."
Bramd - old
Oh. So you were talking about the name, Royal instead of the adjective, Royal. -
"No. It's just the adjective reminded me of the name."