[b]The man returns the same strange look[/b] "I'm Pandion haliaetus... Osprey. And you?"
Bramd - old
My name is Caesar. May I ask why you are here? -
"I was part of a government operation that failed. I searched around for a place to go after that and found this place." [spoiler]I knew your character's name was Caesar and I was tempted to name mine Julius just because of that[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]XD[/spoiler] *Caesar is silent a moment, looking you over* Fair enough. However, you must fight to get in. -
"Fair enough." [b]Osprey pulls out his staff from behind his back, the crystal in it starts to glow[/b]
Bramd - old
You said your experiments failed... Right? *Caesar pulls the sword from his sheath. It's Mortar's sword* -
"Most of them did. I was the exception..." [b]Osprey laughs a little[/b]
Bramd - old
Hmm... *Caesar puts his helm on* -
[b]Osprey whips his head forward and a metal mask then covers over his face and a yellow, glowing visor covers his eyes[/b] "I take it I'll have to start."
Bramd - old
I guess -
Edited by Haknir: 7/18/2016 9:20:54 PM[b]Osprey jumps up and slams the spear into the ground which knocks you back, he then pulls it out of the ground and shoots a weird blue energy ball at you[/b] [spoiler]sorry, forgot to mention it's a spear and magic staff[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*Caesar quickly gets up and jumps to the side. He then grabs the hilt of the blade in the sheath, a line on the sheath going down lengthwise glows emerald green. As the sword comes out, you realize it looks interesting. Dark blue, four and a half feet, a mix of a katana and a broadsword. Those who knew Mortar would know that It's Mortar's sword. He lunges at you, blade igniting in ominous emerald green flames* -
[b]Osprey blocks most of the hit using the back of his armor which seems to be stronger than the front. He quickly turns around and slashes you with his spear.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Caesar parries it with his sword and gives you a swift knee to the gut* -
[b]Osprey grunts and a quiet buzzing sound comes from his armor. He then punches you in the chest, you feel a shocking feeling like a taser when he punches.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Your hand feels like it shatters as it connects with his armor and he punches your face* -
[b]Osprey stumbles back and yells, he holds his staff forward and shoots another energy ball at you which explodes by you. He then charges forward with the spear [/b]
Bramd - old
*Caesar is knocked back a little then rolls to the side, stabbing your thigh with the sword* -
[b]Osprey yells in pain and then thrusts his spear into you [/b]
Bramd - old
*Caesar grunts a little and backs up, taking what appears to be a handgun mixed with a Gatling gun. He fires a few rounds at you* -
Edited by Haknir: 7/19/2016 8:17:39 PM[b]Osprey raises his staff. The crystal from the staff sends out a shield which significantly reduces the bullets' velocity. [/b]
Bramd - old
Hmm... Smart. But I use this. *He holsters his Gatling pistol thing. He holds his left forearm out in front of him and a hardlight shield about 3 feet across forms* -
"Amazing tech..." [b]Osprey jumps up over you and dives downward with the spear facing down on you[/b]
Bramd - old
*Caesar deflects it with his shield and stabs your arm* -
[b]Osprey falls and then raises up his staff, he charges up an extra powerful energy ball which leaves you shell shocked after hitting. He then stabs you directly with the spear [/b]