*Caesar jumps over the shockwave, electricity always tries to get to the ground so the higher he is the less chance the electricity will get to him. When falling, he holds his fist out and punches you hard*
[b]Orn jumps away before Caesar lands, grabbing his spear in the process.[/b]
*Caesar rolls and parries your spear away from you with his sword and holds it at your neck*
[b]Orn grabs the blade, holding it tightly in place...[/b] [b]Smough is eating popcorn in the back.[/b]
*The flames from the blade burn your hands as Caesar gives you a swift knee to the groin and another to your get. Then wrenches it away from you and slashes at your chest*
Edited by Orn: 7/19/2016 8:08:15 PM[i]"That's it."[/i] [b]A familiar hammer slams into Caesar's side, pushing him away.[/b] [i]"I've had it with these mother-blam!-ing groin kicks...[/i] [b]Orn is about to get up, but not before Smough's hammer slams him into the ground.[/b] [i]"In this mother-blam!-in DOJO!"[/i] [b]Smough raises his hammer, now fully imbued with lightning.[/b] [i]"I killed Mortar, bud. Well, pretty much."[/i]
*Caesar's eyes widen under his helm* You murdered him? Murderer! *Caesar lunges at you, trying to penetrate your armor*
[b]Smough's hammer simply bashes him away.[/b] [i]"I guess I did. Though I respected him. Though I built him a tombstone. Though people have forgiven me for it. I guess I have killed Mortar."[/i]
*Caesar seems to ignore that* This is for you, friend. *Caesar runs at Smough unpredictability and climbs on his back, stabbing his sword in Smough's back to stay on him*
[b]Smough merely laughs and slams himself into the wall, smashing Caesar. The blade sinks deeper, but considering how much armor he has, it won't do much.[/b]
*However, the blade burns through his armor, beginning to make a larger hole. Caesar, gasping for breath, takes his mini Gatling gun and shoots in the hole and up to your head*
[i]"Is this what Mortar would've wanted?!"[/i] [b]Smough erupts in an electric bursts, frying everything in a radius. Smough holds up a red talisman, suddenly vanishing. The sword and Caesar fall to the ground as the giant appears several feet away.[/b]
*Caesar gets up, picking up the sword* Don't talk to me about what he would want! I have known him longer than you ever will. *Caesar circles Smough, then holds his left forearm out, creating a hardlight shield three feet across. He advances, shield in front of him and sword arm behind him*
[i]"You don't even know how he died, do you?"[/i] [b]Smough leaps upwards in the air, slamming down and shattering the earth with an electrical slam.[/b]
*Caesar stumbles a little* I know you killed him! Like you just did with Ornstein here. You are the same as you are in your stories, a ruthless being who kills because he is bored! *He holds up the sword in a defensive position*
[i]"I'm happy to know you atleast know my story. I tried to join the Knights of Gwyn, don't you see? I tried to do good. Of course, since that blew up in my face, I assumed that I should be the good guy for once... When I came here? I tried doing that. I tried helping. I tried making friends. And once again, I screw up, and get someone killed. But hey, if you feel like killing me, go ahead and try. I'll just come back again and again and again..."[/i]
*Caesar takes a deep breath* All I plan to do is get into the Dojo. Then I don't care what happens to you.
[b]The giant is silent.[/b]
Let us continue
[b]He seems to be waiting for Caesar.[/b]
*Caesar is waiting for Smough*
[b]He isn't moving.[/b]
*Neither is he*
[b]Mortar, just attack already.[/b]
I'm sorry, you addressed Mortar. I'm Caesar, if you forgot already.