Streamers are the tumors of Destiny, and need to be removed.
Trials carries break the game by preventing the hardworking, casual players from going flawless.
My buddies and I play together every weekend and can more than hold our own.
Our kds are around .6, only because we farm for coins and I try to have fun with bad guns (Like MIDA and PC+1).
One time, I've even finished a match with a 2.5 KD- so I'm pretty good.
But, every card, we play a team with two ridiculous, sweaty, meta-y, tryhard, streamer -blam!-s carrying some shitty player.
How are we supposed to win, when it's been confirmed that Bungie secretly gives streamers better recovery and damage output?
This is why you should only be able to go to the Lighthouse once per week.
EDIT: By the way, come hang out in my bud's stream at
Banned from responding to my own post. Sounds like I came a little too close to the truth- for Bungo's liking, that is.
Ban streamers but come check out your buddy who streams... im confused