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Edited by Lil Durk: 7/22/2016 11:43:56 AM

Cop Apologists, please try to defend this.

I can't wait to see what your argument is this time. [b]To the people bringing up "Black on black crime" as an excuse to dismiss the significance of police shootings:[/b] [quote]Black on black crime is irrelevant. You know why? A random gang member in Chicago didn't swear to protect and serve their community. They didn't swear to uphold the law. They didn't get hours of training on use of force and de-escalation techniques. They don't get paid to enforce the law. So really, comparing cop killings to criminal killings is idiotic.[/quote] Also [spoiler]The cop who shot this guy 3 times wasn't white. This post isn't about race.[/spoiler]
#Offtopic #ftp

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  • I love this so much, some cops get killed and all blm are terrorist's. Cop shoots guy for no reason, "not all cops are like this" Haahahahahaahhaha[spoiler]hahahahahahahahhwha[/spoiler]

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    3 Replies
    • Offtopic be like "Herp derp all of BLM are terrorist" and then "Hey now you can't generalize all cops from a few bad eggs." I really hope none of you ever procreate.

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    • [quote]Cop apologists[/quote]What?

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      • Youre as likely to be shot by a cop as you are to be hit by lightning lol Plus whites are more likely to be shot than blacks We're only half way through the year and we're at 600 cop shooting deaths. Last year, the total was 1,200. Now, lets see how many people will be killed by police (regardless of guilt) in a single man's life time. 1,200 x 95 = 108,000 people killed by police in your life time. Effectively, you have a 27/800,000 chance of being killed by a cop in your life time. Which, now that I've done the math, doesn't seem that bad. But, lets do a comparison just because I would like to. There's an annual 12,000 Homicides in the US. 60% of those are committed by black men. 13% of those are black on white murder (according to FBI Homocide Table 6). So, Black men (on average) murder an annual 936 whites a year. In a life time (assuming race rates don't change) that's 88,920. Which is about 2,223/8,000,000 (223/800,000) However, remember that cops are relatively uncommon, so your overall probability of being attacked by one is lower so you're about 10x more likely to be killed by a black dude than a cop.

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        22 Replies
        • Blm matter says radical things that are very racist. I saw one be asked "don't all lives matter?" The blm person said: "all lives don't matter until black lives matter" (lolwut?) also I heard one of the protestors say they want to disarm the police (lol?)

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          19 Replies
          • >cop apologists. Gee, i can tell OP is looking for calm, rational, unbiased discussion with facts and context.

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            • -It is about race because everyone keeps bringing up how Black Lives Matter -Innocent cops have been gunned down -it is relevent because when cops have killed black people (notice when I said "cops" and not "white people"? Killing [i]black people?[/i] it is about race.), the black people have never been innocent, in the past year the cops have killed 130-150 something people in the entire US, compared to one city alone, Chicago, more black people have died from their own race. This was one of the [i]many[/i] reasons why BLM is nothing but a hate group. You don't even need to be against BLM or a "cop apologist" to know that cops shouldn't have to be innocently killed, and that the crimes committed by said BLM groups are justified at all.

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            • In the UK they only give guns to high ranking officers and swat teams.

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              5 Replies
              • Does police brutality exist? Yes. Are there racist cops? Yes. Are there racist cops willing to sacrifice their innocence and job in order to kill an african-american. Probably. Do I think that this is an excuse to blame all police brutality on race, no. Because police brutality happens to white people. [spoiler]im sorry i didnt fully read i just got bored. So if i didn't exactly respond with anything that made sense den my bad[/spoiler]

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              • Alright... Everybody listen! It's not that if you're pro black, you're anti-cop. Or if you're pro-cop, you're anti-black. Everyone should try to be pro-black and pro-cop. I have tremendous respect for the brave people who are serving as police officers, and it's because of that respect that I'm going to criticize them if they do something I condone as wrong. Firstly, to anyone who has been protesting with BLM or holding signs saying "-blam!- the police", please stop. You're not edgy or cool. You're hurting the image of your movement and looking like an idiot anarchist. To anyone saying that black lives don't matter and that the officer here did nothing wrong. You're not helping your argument and making the normal people who support you look like sociopaths. I mean if you're anti-black and anti-cop, try and be anti-Semitic. Then you can be just like Mel Gibson. Well, that's just my ramblings because I'm sick of reading the writings of idiots on this forum.

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                • the one in florida earlier is just wild. counselor chasing after autistic guy gets shot while on the street with his hands in the air cops do this to themselves allowing people like that to serve AND they need to start handing out life sentences when this kind of things happens. cops do crap like this and half the time just get fired or some petty ass charge

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                • He was black which is illegal. He shouldn't have been black and he wouldn't have been breaking the law. Seriously you liberals need to learn to think.

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                  • Truth

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                    6 Replies
                    • My defense- he was acting weird other than that lol

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                    • >entire post about hate crime >"post isn't about race" >wut?

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                      3 Replies
                      • I will compare black killings to cop killings because it is the communities job to follow the law. And even though cops kill blacks doesn't mean they do it for no reason. So yes I will compare them because of how many blacks actually kill people per year.

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                        8 Replies
                        • The cop is absolutely in the wrong here. I'm so thankful he at least survived. What I'm worried about though is if someone's going to kill cops that had nothing to do with this in response. I'm starting to see this cycle where when police brutality happens, some people start hounding down and murdering innocent cops for being cops, causing more of them to be terrified for their lives and be more quick to lethal force to defend themselves, leading to more police brutality, repeating the cycle.

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                        • This isn't a BLM issue, it's bad policing. The cop was apparently trying to shoot the autistic kid but missed and hit the caretaker. It's retarded and inexcusable. I just don't want this to be turned into a race thing when it isn't.

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                          7 Replies
                          • Just so you know, he was only shot once.

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                            2 Replies
                            • OP is full of himself, or at least I wish he was ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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                            • Why would I defend this?

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                            • Keep the peace. Blue lives matter

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                            • The cops had a GREAT excuse why they did it: He was trying to shoot the autistic man holding a toy truck. You can't make this shit up

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                            • Stfu

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                            • Agreed , Police Brutality and exceptional use of force are unnecessary. However , when you go into a high stress/adrenaline situation , unsure whether or not the "suspect" is armed , "Don't move" means DON'T MOVE! How many times have we seen video of Cops giving an order and being blatantly ignored or disregarded. This person is literally holding your life in their hands and you are going to get lippy and belligerent, REALLY? I don't agree with the unnecessary shootings , but when a Cop gives you an order , especially in today's high tension society , if you ignore it , you are a moron. If you disagree with the order take it to your lawyer after the fact , complain to the Chain of Command ; but , Damn-it , be alive to do something.

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                              5 Replies
                              • Being a cop is a hard job. Very few do it for very little pay.

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