[b]The stream is live!!![/b]
So, today, there's going to be a party for Sonic's 25th Anniversary during San Diego Comic Con. It, of course, is to celebrate the little blue guy and everything associated with him. Lots of special guests will be there, and there are also going to be one or a few announcements. The event will be streamed on Twitch.tv/SonicOfficial at 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time. (Find out the time in your area [url=http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Sonic+25th+Party&iso=20160722T18&p1=770&ah=4]here[/url].)
While in the past, there have been leaks about Sonic games before they came out, we know literally nothing about this to-be-announced game (they haven't officially confirmed a game announcement at the party, but it's been [b]very[/b] heavily teased.)
It could be a 2D game or a 3D game. It could be Sonic Adventure 3, Sonic the Hedgehog 5, another Sonic Generations type-game where it celebrates past games, maybe it'll be a Mario-maker type thing. There is literally nothing anyone knows about it, except that the game might come out in 2017 instead of the expected 2016.
Maybe it will be on Xbox One, PS4 and PC, maybe it'll be a WiiU or NX exclusive. Maybe it will have a more serious tone, maybe it will be light and cute. Who knows?
I'm excited ^_^
[b]Bump because the stream is live![/b]
Screw Sonic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ1O_XgLToc
Someone just take him out back and just shoot the poor bastard
I hope it would be something along the lines of a Sonic-Maker. Even a Sonic Adventure 3 would be dope though.
Edited by Wolfy: 7/22/2016 5:12:48 PMPeople have nostalgia goggles for Adventure I feel like. A major complaint in Sonic games were over saturation of his friends, and the Adventure series is all about multiple characters and gameplay styles playing the same story in different perspectives to get the whole narrative. Now if you're actually just wanting fun hub worlds and Chao back, then sign me up lmao. Id much rather have these mixed with a bunch of levels designed for Sonic primarily, but can switch in characters to play ala Sonic 3 sorta. Edit: btw you go to Sonic Stadium at all?
Rolling around at the speed of sound
Can you feel the sunshine? Does it brighten up your day? [spoiler]Really hoping for a new 2D Sonic game.[/spoiler]
You know how Sega should celebrate Sonic? Make a good Sonic game. They already released info on the new Sonic game. Fire&Ice is 3DS exclusive. For a console game they NEED to release it for all consoles but I don't know if they can. They may have a contract with Nintendo still and that's detrimental to their sales figures.
Most likely another day for the game industry to laugh at sega. The chance of there being a good sonic game is as likely as half life 3 coming out.
Hopefully they announce that they know Amy's new voice actor is awful, and that her old one agreed to come back. :D Just kidding.. Well, half kidding. Hope this new game is on Xbox One/PS4 though. ^-^
If it's Sonic Adventure 3, I'll be excited!
Unfortunately, as of now, the Sonic series is s[b]hit[/b].
Edited by CandiBoii: 7/22/2016 2:28:55 AMSome of the best 16-bit music you will hear. Sonic was my first game on genesis, will always have a special place in my heart.
I just want to replay Adventure on the one.
Hoping for either another sonic rush like the original or something like sonic generations (ps3). Loved them both. [spoiler]I miss the SA2B chao gardens so much though...[/spoiler]
Can we just have another good game please?