originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[spoiler]Man I just want to talk to him about the Legion of Dragons and the Legion of Dight[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Ugh, fine, FAM.[/spoiler] [b]The man nods at Royal.[/b] "How are you?"
[spoiler]Thanks FAM [/spoiler] "Oh you know how it is. Tired. And yourself? I don't imagine you get much sleep."
[spoiler]FAAAM! (/•~•)/[/spoiler] "No, I haven't," [b]He yawns.[/b] "We've suffered major losses, lately."
[spoiler]FAAAAAM \(>.<\)[/spoiler] "You're losing men to the Knights of Heaven. Or at least you were."
[spoiler]FAAAAAAAAAAAAM! (/o~o)/[/spoiler] [b]He blinks.[/b] "Yes, how did you know?"
[b]Royal emerges from the shadows[/b] "Because I commanded the Dight Legion"
"Ah, the Dight Legion. I don't know much about them, but they weren't involved in the war between our Legion and the Knights."
"No. We weren't. Unfortunately really. I was hoping to serve alongside you once more." [b]He glances [/b] "Tell me. How is Guldan ( I spell it right?"
[spoiler]Yeah.[/spoiler] "Guldan? He died recently. Killed by what we suspect to be a Knight of Heaven."
"They've been wiped out." [b]He begins pacing. [/b] "Trust me when I say that. There's no way unless of course they still have followers."
"Hmm... it does seem a little low for the Knights of Heaven, seeing as the war is over. But how could Guldan die? He was the greatest of the great. I do not doubt that he would easily wipe out anyone he wished if he truly believed there to be a reason to."
[spoiler]By the way I'm not plot jacking or anything. If I am please inform me ASAP[/spoiler] [b]Royal scoffs [/b] "Guldan became a fool after he began training Vio. But i have no right to speak."
"Guldan is not dull enough to waste all his time on one person for four years, Dight Legionnaire. He has been underground at night, brutally training himself and his few remaining soldiers in the Legion of Dragons."
"You have made a grave mistake Dragon Legionarie." [b]He sighs [/b]
"Have I now? Do explain."
"Guldan's training never equaled the way he did it before your war."
[spoiler]Now, now, Royal. Who's story is this, again?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Shhhh[/spoiler] "At least that's what I heard."
"You heard wrong, Dight. The older Guldan gets, the wiser. He trains more carefully, but knows when to be brutal. He trains the finest warriors, and would've continued had he not died."
"I'll need to renew my sources Dragon."
"You sure do. Anywho, what's been up in the Dight Legion?"
"We're scattered around right now. The Holy wars screwed us."
"Ah, that seems to be the case with many factions. War tears humans apart, and there's nothing that can be done. However, there was recently a very corrupt general in our Legion, and that held us back a lot."
"Humanity is so odd. Don't you think?"
"You speak as though you are not human."