originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]Patches turns, grumbling.[/b]
"Oh, nothing. Just someone that is regularly useless to this place trying to screw up another one of my masterpieces. Trust me, that girl could break and screw up anything. I mean that."
[b]He chuckles at his own rude joke. There's a ton of items begins him. Weapons, armor, drinks, junk...everything.[/b]
Edited by XxZANExX13: 7/22/2016 6:14:35 AM[b]He glares at patches, darkness practically seeping from them[/b] "[i]Thought that girl was your friend, boy would I hate to be yours....[/i]" [b]He storms off to find the Girl[/b]
"You got a screw loose, bud? Ah, oh well." [b]The girl, supposedly Anri, is heading toward the training grounds. Her head is hanged low.[/b]
[b]He sees her blonde hair, and immediately sprints to her[/b] "[i]Sera?![/i]"
[b]Anri turns around, eyeing him as if confused.[/b] "I'm sorry, I don't know who you're talking about..." [b]Although she's never seen the Guardsman before, she seems concerned.[/b]
Edited by XxZANExX13: 7/22/2016 6:21:49 AM[b]He seems to get depressed[/b] "[i]Sorry, mistook you for someone i knew....[/i]"
"Oh...I'm sorry to hear that. I'm afraid that we haven't met though. Anri. Of Astora." [b]Anri still seems concerned.[/b]
[b]He shows a small smile[/b] "[i]Rorek, Rorek Nightingale. I'm somewhat new here. A pleasure to meet you.[/i]"
"The pleasure is mine, Rorek. You must've heard my...conversation. With Patches, I assume." [b]She looks a little gloomy herself now.[/b]
[b]He starts to get angry[/b] "[i]Yeah I heard, what's his problem? I though you two were friends?[/i]"
"It's complicated. He says he's starting something up. I think it's a shop or something. I personally hope he succeeds, and tried helping, but you saw there... He's just been grumpy all week, especially after when I screwed up when he was "working" or something..." [spoiler]Basically, they have a pretty crap relationship. Anri is convinced that Patches will become a better person, but he won't. And Anri won't give up on trying to make him a better person. That could change in the future though. Nothing romantic, hopefully.[/spoiler]
[b]He calms down[/b] "[i]You mustn't give up hope, I'm sure he still has good in him[/i]"
"I hope he does. Somewhere.. Anyway...I just try to forget it, go train a little. Would you like to come along to the training grounds? If you're busy, that's fine."
"[i]"I'm not busy at all, il come with you.[/i]"
Edited by Orn: 7/22/2016 6:45:49 AM"Great!" [b]Anri proceeds downwards to the training grounds, and proceeds to the left side of the area. She seems to be waiting for Rorek to go to the opposite side.[/b]
[b]He walks over to the other side, Manifesting a demonic looking Greatsword[/b] "[i]You may have the first move[/i]"
"Thanks." [b]Anri draws her simple straight sword and shield. She begins to approach, looking for a weakness as she does so.[/b]
[b]He circles her, waiting for her to strike[/b]
[b]She quickly goes in for a swipe to Rorek's left leg, but not enough to actually do damage. It almost seems like a fake-out of some kind.[/b]
[b]He back steps, slashing and releasing a wave of force, not enough to do damage[/b]
[b]Anri raises her shield quickly, but lowers it after a moment. She starts circling Rorek again, before going for an actual slash to his right arm this time.[/b]
[b]He moves his blade, blocking the attack and pushing her back with a slash[/b]
[b]Anri backs away, surprised. In an instant, she approaches again, slashing more seriously than before.[/b]
[b]He back steps, Blocking some but some attacks getting through, dark red blood trickling from the attacks[/b]
[b]Although she notices and starts to have a concerned look on her face, Anri doesn't let up, and continues slashing.[/b]
[b]Strangely, the blood begins to be absorbed by his sword. It begins to glow a deep red as he flips over her and sweep kicks her[/b]