Kotaku has a great [url=http://kotaku.com/the-crushing-design-of-world-of-warcrafts-big-raids-1782715670]article [/url]on how awful raiding was in World of Warcraft. Raiding in WoW is described as "99% work and 1 fun". This seems like the worst nightmare of anyone who has been stuck on Oryx for more than 2 hours. My take-aways for Destiny:
1.) Luke Smith is a former/current WoW addict and he was in charge of King's Fall. Now he's in charge of all of Destiny. *shudder*
2.) WoW added "looking for raid", yet Bungie refuses to add raid matchmaking.
3.) I still don't understand why WoW was so popular. WoW seems like everything I hate about Destiny with none of the FPS I love.
4.) Clearly Bungie is borrowing raid mechanics from WoW, namely the boss progression and rinse and repeat for optimal RNG. Just because WoW was once popular does not mean WoW's game mechanics work for a FPS. Run and gun gameplay does not mesh well with bosses who stand like statues and spam splash damage.
5.) If Destiny becomes more like WoW I will post of video of myself deleting all of my character.
Raids are easy if you have others who understand it. I think cooperation needs to be larger part of raiding. It shouldn't be soloed. Everyone needs to participate.