The Creations Page is great- it is cool to see all of the fantastic artwork and videos the community makes and shares.
However, submitting to the Creations Page seems to be a breeze for some people, but just a string of never-approved-submissions for others. It is my understanding that each submission has to be manually approved, and yes, I understand how this could take some time. But many submissions simply are never approved and vanish. This is frustrating for creators, especially if people are trying to submit in a certain timeframe for MOTW, or any other artwork competition Bungie is hosting.
I propose a ticket system on the Creations page. Something to the effect of when you submit, you get a ticket that says what position in the line of creations you are. You could see for example, "I am number 87, with 86 creations ahead of me" This would then decrease down to 1, whereupon you would recieve a message of either your creation being accepted, or rejected.
I think this would reduce some unhappiness about hanging submissions, or people never having their creations approved. At least being able to see where your creation is, if it has been reviewed yet, and actually getting a rejection notification if rejection is the case.