335 Titan looking for people that can take me to the lighthouse
I'm not the best in pvp but I do my best
Never been to the lighthouse but hope to get there at some point
GT same as above
Twitch.tv/anentiity Double carries 3.8 Player
Need one player with positive k/d that's been flawless before. I'm helping a friend get flawless. Message at UnkleBuckshot15 on Xbox for invite
Need 1 for trials message il perfection kd will be checked
Need 2 more good player with 1600+ elo and a positive kd I'm a 1578 elo with 1.02 kd, Looking for similar stats or better, I will check Msg me for inv
330 all characters, been flawless 55 times, have scarab. Looking for a competent team of good players to have fun and go flawless. Message Zander 7589 for inv
Top 1% player streaming some trials carries Come check out the stream and earn some points to win a carry https://www.twitch.tv/syntzx
Trials carry with followers through a raffle system,donators will be guaranteed flawless. Im in the top 1% in the world for both elo and dtr with a 2.05kd. https://www.twitch.tv/deathblade1000x
Need 2 who have been flawless after the April update Must be able to hold their own, communicate and snipe MSG for INV
I'm a 334 Hunter I've been flawless 20+ times looking to join a Good pvp group for a flawless run send Headless Monks a invite if you need a extra guy
310 warlock but good Looking for a team who is going flawless Inv My pet eskimo
Need 1 for trials message il perfection kd will be checked
334 Warlock looking for a good team invite me, I have good communication and can hold my own. GT: IceNineKillz69
310 warlock but good Looking for a team who is going flawless Inv My pet eskimo
[quote]335 Titan looking for people that can take me to the lighthouse I'm not the best in pvp but I do my best Never been to the lighthouse but hope to get there at some point GT same as above[/quote] No mic looking to go flawless im good at trials
LETS GET SWEATY!!!!!!!!!!! lvl 331 titan, 1.31 k/d, 1400 elo lvl 331 warlock, 1.10 k/d, 1300 elo looking for one more good player to go to lighthouse. gt same, send message for invite. (if you carry or get carried on trials your a total d-bag!!!!!!!)
1.4 and 1.6 1750 Elo need one for flawless. Message me ur kda and Elo
Need 1 for trials message il perfection kd will be checked
310 warlock but good Looking for a team who is going flawless Inv My pet eskimo
Have a 1.8 and 2.1 doing 5 wins then reset be 1.8+ message logicalfallacy7
Need 1 for trials message il perfection kd will be checked
Need 1 extremely skilled hunter who's very good at sniping for flawless, must have mic, 330+, MSG me on Xbox for invite
lfg to go flawless then farm for scarab emblem. MUST have 1.2kd + have been flawless also. Checking stats. send "proptics" a message/invite
Need 2 who have been flawless after the April update Must be able to hold their own, communicate and snipe MSG for INV
310 warlock Looking for a team who is going flawless Inv My pet eskimo
Need 1 people for trials must be at least 1.3kd and 1500 Elo message me for invite kezzzzahd
Looking to join a team for a flawless run no scrubs