335 Titan looking for people that can take me to the lighthouse
I'm not the best in pvp but I do my best
Never been to the lighthouse but hope to get there at some point
GT same as above
Need one to help me get my buddy flawless. Message me at UnkleBuckshot15 to help me
Need one for bounties message ImWithCautious for invite
Need team for flawless Im top 2%, overall diamond elo Ive been flawless 48x Be that or better Gt:l Khepri l (They're L's)
I need 2 that have a 1.5 or above Message Aero Messenger if interested (WILL BE NEEDING HELP WITH FLAWLESS
Trials carry with followers through a raffle system,donators will be guaranteed flawless. Im in the top 1% in the world for both elo and dtr with a 2.05kd. https://www.twitch.tv/deathblade1000x
Need one to help me get my buddy flawless. Message me at UnkleBuckshot15 to help me
Need 2 more good player with 1500+ elo and a positive kd I'm a 1578 elo with 1.02 kd, Looking for similar stats or better, I will check Msg me for inv
Top 1% player streaming some trials carries Come check out the stream and earn some points to win a carry https://www.twitch.tv/syntzx
Need one for bounties message ImWithCautious on Xbox for invite
333 warlock with a 1.78 in trials. GT: who is dirty be around the same skill level
Hey, wanna play some trials? Come have some fun! I'm picking people at random regardless of skill! Message me on xbox Gt: Madcat529
Need two for trials. Just trying to get the bounties done and nothing more. Flawless would be cool but not trying too hard. Message ImWithCautious for invite
Need 1 decent player for Trials Flawless run. If you need 2 people and a solo player looking to go to the lighthouse just message me if you'd like. Gt same as above.. ---->MUST HAVE<----- •Mic •Good Communication and Callouts •Speak 100% English • ATLEAST 332+ • Hold your own.. Not intending to carry anyone "ACiD Sn1pez"
Doing free trials carries all night msg to get on list, if I don't respond msg again I'll get to you tomorrow gt: acofosho
I'm a 334 Hunter I've been flawless 20+ times looking to join a Good pvp group for a flawless run send Headless Monks a invite if you need a extra guy
I'm a 334 Hunter I've been flawless 20+ times looking to join a Good pvp group for a flawless run send Headless Monks a invite if you need a extra guy
need 1 don't be ass. GT: Senju Siblings
Just went 8-1. Looking to go flawless this weekend. Be good. Will be checking stats. Message murph man1823 for invite
Hunter 1500+ elo invite me only if you have similar stats. gt above. no kids.
Need 2 for trials Please don't suck I can carry my own Msg gt above for inv
Just went 8-1. Looking to go flawless this weekend. Be good. Will be checking stats. Message murph man1823 for invite
I'm a 334 Hunter I've been flawless 20+ times looking to join a Good pvp group for a flawless run send Headless Monks a invite if you need a extra guy
Need1 for bounties gt kcebol
NEED 1!!!! Flawless run quick lighthouse trip must be atleast 332+ 10 dollars no1 can carry me bring it bichiz messge acid sn1pez
Hunter 1500+ elo invite me only if you have similar stats gt above
look for team im a 1.30 kd titan with 10x flawless gt above looking for team with same stats