335 Titan looking for people that can take me to the lighthouse
I'm not the best in pvp but I do my best
Never been to the lighthouse but hope to get there at some point
GT same as above
Need 1 sweaty for a flawless run me and my buddy both have scarab emblem and are legit send Headless Monks a message for invite
Need one for flawless run, please have 1.3kd or above. Msg: PhantomTarget08
1.2 kd 335 lock 1500 elo. Looking to join a team. Do not invite if you have a negative kd. Cheers
1.34 KD hunter 1740 ELO , looking to take another person flawless right now , only looking for one person who needs help reaching the lighthouse. Message SuicidalWorld
Need 2 good players for trials flawless 1.3+ msg GT: ZebuJa
Me and a friend need 1 serious person with at least a 1.3 kd and 1400 elo to join us as we travel to the lighthouse. My kd is a 1.27 with 1500 elo but the kd is rishing. My buddy is a 2.05 kd with 1600 elo. Message SCARYxSLAUGHTER and I'll check the trials report and get back to ya asap
1.34 KD hunter 1740 ELO , looking to take another person flawless right now , only looking for one person who needs help reaching the lighthouse. Message SuicidalWorld
Need 2 people for trials must be at least 1.3kd and 1500 Elo message me for invite kezzzzahd
Hunter looking to join group with similar stats for quickflawless run Sweats only Good communication 1.4 k/d 1700 Elo Send inv to gt above
Looking for 2 positive players for flawless gt same as above msg for inv
Trials carry with followers through a raffle system,donators will be guaranteed flawless. Im in the top 1% in the world for both elo and dtr with a 2.05kd. https://www.twitch.tv/deathblade1000x
335 Hunter Good at sniping and shotgun Looking to go flawless Msg: iGoD LiGhTNiNG Don't mind my kd I'm great Don't invite me if you're a scrub I'm serious I can hold my own maybe carry But I need good team mates
Hey guys! I'm looking to play some trials! My stats are 1.52kd and 1736 Elo with a 82% win percentage. Please have similar stats PLEASE. My gt is isaac459 message me! Thanks
Hey guys! I'm looking to play some trials! My stats are 1.52kd and 1736 Elo with a 82% win percentage. Please have similar stats PLEASE. My gt is isaac459 message me! Thanks
Need two really good people to go flawless. Pls have a 1.4+ KD and 1500+ ELO, message Deathstreak for inv
333 Hunter Looking for flawless Xbox 1 GT xUniqueReflexes
Looking for one OP player message spiderzombie95 on xbox 1 for invite
I have a 1.37 kd and a 1621 elo. Need two for a flawless run message me your stats for an invite
Anyone down for trials.
Looking for a team to go flawless. I don't respond to messages. Don't waste my time here guys... Invite me if you guys have been multiple times flawless. I run blink shotgun, as long as you guys are good, i'm good. Been flawless once this weekend so far. Invite L Gagnier L7L
Edited by Proxi: 7/24/2016 12:29:21 AMNeed 1 1.2 or higher only don't message unless you meet the kd requirements I will check stats!! please be similar in stats!!!
335 Titan. Son plays too so dtr stats are always skewed. Don't be an ass about it. 1.2 last week playing like trash this week! Flawless since April update. GT same as here
Need 2 1.5+ I will be checking stats. Message gt: jehstt
Need 1 for flawless run message Uzumaki Red for invite
Need 2 1.5+ I will be checking stats. Message gt: jehstt
Need two really good people to go flawless. Pls have a 1.4+ KD and 1500+ ELO, message Deathstreak for inv