335 Titan looking for people that can take me to the lighthouse
I'm not the best in pvp but I do my best
Never been to the lighthouse but hope to get there at some point
GT same as above
Need a solid team to go flawless Inv name above
Xb1 gt same as above bounty run
Xbox one - trials - 1.46 overall trials KD - looking for 1 more chilled player 1.4KD+ and 1500+ ELO - GT: imoraiity - message for invite, will be checking stats
Need two sweatys 330+ hold ur own for flawless
Edited by ItsAsics: 7/23/2016 11:58:52 PMNeed one positive kd good sniper and shotgun msg Itsasics
Need one for trials must have positive kd
Need 1 for trials 1400+ elo and at least a 1.3 I'm 1.1 friend is 1.5 msg gt above for inv
Need two sweatys for flawless 330+ hold ur own
Msg iCS Headshotz for inv. Must have a 1.3 Kd or higher
Need 1. 1.5+. Msg for inv
Looking for someone good enough to always go positive, we can carry out witchy just Cary yours same gamer tag as above lets get it
Need 1 for 7-0 card. Our 3rd left and we only need 2 wins for flawless. We will do another run after those 2 wins. We've both got Scarab and we both have good K/D. Will be checking stats but message me with your stats if you know them. Message me on Xbox One for invite. GT - Unt x Spongebob
What's happening guys, Need one to help us finish a flawless card, we are on 7-0 at the moment but unfortunately out third had to leave suddenly, we have decent kd's, if someone can help with our card then we will go for another run that would be great! Msg: PhantomTarget08
335 Hunter Good at sniping and shotgun Looking to go flawless Msg: iGoD LiGhTNiNG Don't mind my kd I'm great Don't invite me if you're a scrub I'm serious I can hold my own maybe carry But I need good team mates
Need 1 sweaty for a flawless run me and my buddy both have scarab emblem and are legit send Headless Monks a message for invite
My partner and I are helping people get to the lighthouse. [b][i][u]We are only taking PayPal donors. [/u][/i][/b]Message Lvi i n e for invite! https://destinytrialsreport.com/ps/Lvi%20i%20n%20e
Need 1 sweaty for a flawless run me and my buddy both have scarab emblem and are legit send Headless Monks a message for invite
Need 2 people for trials must be at least 1.3kd and 1500 Elo message me for invite kezzzzahd
My partner and I are helping people get to the lighthouse. [b][i][u]We are only taking PayPal donors. [/u][/i][/b]Message Lvi i n e for invite! https://destinytrialsreport.com/ps/Lvi%20i%20n%20e
Need two sweatys for flawless 330+ and hold ur own
I Have a 1,400+ ELo and a 1.4+ Kd so have about the same stats plz. GT: boohahax Invite me
FREE TRIALS CARRIES!!!!! Come to stream if you wanna get a carry thats 99% guaranteed. Never been to the lighthouse? Lets pop that cherry! Top 1% with 2200 elo Twitch.tv/xxitsjohnnyxx is my stream say !list to get on the list see you guys there. K/D:1.84
Need one For quick flawless Not planning To lose must have positive k/d no scrubs please gt same as name mess for inv
Im fresh like manayse
What's happening guys, Need one to help us finish a flawless card, we are on 7-0 at the moment but unfortunately out third had to leave suddenly, we have decent kd's, if someone can help with our card then we will go for another run that would be great! Msg: PhantomTarget08
Need 1 for 7-0 card. Our 3rd left and we only need 2 wins for flawless. We will do another run after those 2 wins. We've both got Scarab and we both have good K/D. Will be checking stats but message me with your stats if you know them. Message me on Xbox One for invite. GT - Unt x Spongebob