335 Titan looking for people that can take me to the lighthouse
I'm not the best in pvp but I do my best
Never been to the lighthouse but hope to get there at some point
GT same as above
Hello Trials Gamers This is not a carry today I'm looking for 2 gamers to go to the Lighthouse with! Donations get first runs!!! Find me streaming on Twitch at www.twitch.tv/Shnitsingigglz forMessage me over Xbox live my GT is Narcissizm. followers get first invites into the game. Must have a Microphone Send me your KD and Subclass My GT is Narcissizm Want to join my clan request Invite Team Diversity Raffle is open!!! Looking for another streamer to carry people
.95 kd running a 1.00kd this week so far and a 1315elo I use shotty/sniper and have great callouts and I have a 100% headshot with snipers this week AGAIN Need 2 with similar or better stats GT is above I will check stats
Looking for team have a 1.4 kd message gt above must have similar stats looking for quick flawless
I'm a 334 Hunter I've been flawless 20+ times looking to join a good pvp group for flawless run send headless monks a invite if you need a extra guy
Need a solid 3rd for flawless run. Have a positive Kd. Our normal third isnt available today, but we go flawless every weekend. Message me
1.32 kd lfg you both must have at least a 1.3
Hello Trials Gamers This is not a carry today I'm looking for 2 gamers to go to the Lighthouse with! Donations get first runs!!! Find me streaming on Twitch at www.twitch.tv/Shnitsingigglz forMessage me over Xbox live my GT is Narcissizm. followers get first invites into the game. Must have a Microphone Send me your KD and Subclass My GT is Narcissizm Want to join my clan request Invite Team Diversity Raffle is open!!! Looking for another streamer to carry people
335 Titan flawless 24+ looking for serious flawless team. Gt same as above
I'm a 334 Hunter I've been flawless 20+ times looking to join a good pvp group for flawless run send headless monks a invite if you need a extra guy
Need 1 for trials don't be crap that's all I ask
If you're looking for a 3rd send me an inv Gt shinyman21 I have a positive kd and a mic. Looking for an adult team that has good teamwork.
I'm a 334 Hunter I've been flawless 20+ times looking to join a good pvp group for flawless run send headless monks a invite if you need a extra guy
I am doing paid carries I have 2420 Elo and I'm rank#39 in the world and rank# 120 in trials dtr message clutch her for more information Stats https://destinytrialsreport.com/xbox/Clutch%20her
.95 kd running a 1.00kd this week so far and a 1315elo I use shotty/sniper and have great callouts and I have a 100% headshot with snipers this week AGAIN Need 2 with similar or better stats GT is above I will check stats
Helping people get flawless and get scarab! If you want to go flawless just swing by my stream www.twitch.tv/holmesssy message me in the chat and we will get you in! Also if you are awesome hit that follow button to help me out!:) I do now do scarab runs in my stream! www.Twitch.tv/holmesssy
Need 1 for Flawles run most have a positief kd and a mic. I wil check stats mss frenky045 for inv
Need one person to play trials with and go flawless. Be 330+ and communicate well. Message for invite. Gt same as above
1700+ elo try hard looking for team with similar stats. Msg for invite.
I'm a 334 Hunter I've been flawless 20+ times looking to join a good pvp group for flawless run send headless monks a invite if you need a extra guy
I am doing paid carries I have 2420 Elo and I'm rank#39 in the world and rank# 120 in trials dtr message clutch her for more information Stats https://destinytrialsreport.com/xbox/Clutch%20her
I'm a 334 Hunter I've been flawless 20+ times looking to join a good pvp group for flawless run send headless monks a invite if you need a extra guy
Looking for a team to go flawless with can hold my own. Invite me
1700+ elo try hard looking for team with similar stats. Msg for invite.
Hello Trials Gamers This is not a carry today I'm looking for 2 gamers to go to the Lighthouse with! Donations get first runs!!! Find me streaming on Twitch at www.twitch.tv/Shnitsingigglz forMessage me over Xbox live my GT is Narcissizm. followers get first invites into the game. Must have a Microphone Send me your KD and Subclass My GT is Narcissizm Want to join my clan request Invite Team Diversity Raffle is open!!! Looking for another streamer to carry people
Need one 1.1+ KD for trials. Message khosla03 for inv. Checking stats
Need 1 for trials just running to play message ct blaze on xbox one