335 Titan looking for people that can take me to the lighthouse
I'm not the best in pvp but I do my best
Never been to the lighthouse but hope to get there at some point
GT same as above
Need 1 for flawless I have been 16 time and know what I am doing. I have a 1.04. Need some one that can help carry a friend.
Need three more wins for flawless, can someone who's really good help me? Message Deathstreak for inv
Need 2 1.4kd+ only msg Zero PR0TOCOL
Need 2 great players with +1.3 k/d and +1400 elo for flawless run. Gt same Xbox one. No kids
Looking to help people out who aren't the best but are ok
Need 2 more for a trials run gt above
Need three more wins for flawless, can someone who's really good help me? Message Deathstreak for inv
Need three more wins for flawless, can someone who's really good help me? Message Deathstreak for inv
Lfg 1.3 trials k/d Looking for similar stats Will check you Pm me ford toreass
We need 1 for Flawles run most have a mic and a positief kd. I wil check stats mss frenky045 for inv
Need three more wins for flawless, can someone who's really good help me? Message Deathstreak for inv
335 hunter been flawless 30x Sniper shotgun 1.27 kd 1500 elo Inv gt above
Need one for trials flawless run Please be able to hold your own Msg z28camaro22 for inv
Need one 330+ with 1.2kd+ and 1400elo + for trials Gt same as above
I'm a 333! I just really wanna go flawless! Plz help me out!
[quote]Need 1 for flawless run. Must have above 1.0 kd and be on point with call outs. Messege jdstrum2710 with stats and class for invite[/quote]
Lfg 1.4kd 1670 elo gt xxstickdeathxx
Need one for bounties No mic req. Msg gbgbowu
Need 2 great players with +1.3 k/d and +1400 elo for flawless run. Gt same Xbox one. No kids
Need 2 for flawless run must be 330 or above message me on Xbox
Trials carry with followers through a raffle system,donators will be guaranteed flawless. Im in the top 1% in the world for both elo and dtr with a 2.05kd. https://www.twitch.tv/deathblade1000x
Need 4 for Kingsfall Normal -No specific class required just need to know what you're doing and must have a mic Message L NovaDose L on Xbox for invite
Top 1% player streaming some trials carries Come check out the stream and earn some points to win a carry https://www.twitch.tv/syntzx
Hosting trials need 1 for a mercy only run must have 1.4+ KD 1500 ELO+ 5 or more flawlesses CHECKING STATS
Need 1, we have a kd of 1.2 (me) and 1.3 (thugwavey) need 1 with 1.2kd or better. Going flawless.
Need 2 for flawless run must be 330 or above message me on Xbox