335 Titan looking for people that can take me to the lighthouse
I'm not the best in pvp but I do my best
Never been to the lighthouse but hope to get there at some point
GT same as above
raffle is open at twitch.tv/bannahead117
I'm 1.8 k/d , my boy is 1.7 , need 1 with good k/d GT: Sipss
Need 2 1.5 plus players msg ReV voodoo
Need 2 for flawless send message +KD XB1 must be able to carry your self
Trials carry with followers through a raffle system,donators will be guaranteed flawless. Im in the top 1% in the world for both elo and dtr with a 2.05kd. https://www.twitch.tv/deathblade1000x
Looking for a trials team. I have a 1.8 kd looking for similar stats. Inv me
1.4 kd warlock 20x flawless warlock Looking to go flawless INV gt above ( please have similar stats)
Need 1 for trials must be at least 1.3kd and 1500 Elo message me for invite kezzzzahd or invite me
Follow http://www.twitch.tv/unchainedbeastv for [b]Trials carries[/b] all weekend and I do raffles and you enter these with stream currency (chains). Here are my stats https://my.destinytrialsreport.com/xbox/unchainedbeastv I try my best to get as many people to go flawless and I don't worry for my flawless. Thank you!
Need 2 for Elo farm. 1.4+kd
Doing carried with my partner msg for INV Trying to carry people that have never been flawless msg for INV
Need 1 for trials must be at least 1.3kd and 1500 Elo message me for invite kezzzzahd or invite me
[quote]Need one for trials I am on 9 win streak and only lost 2 of my last 21 games. I also have a 1.33 kd msg RedBalence for invite.[/quote]
Need 1 for trials must be at least 1.3kd and 1500 Elo message me for invite kezzzzahd or invite me
Anyone willing to play with someone who doesn't have a mic. He can hear us we just can't hear him
335 Hunter Good at sniping and shotgun Looking to go flawless Msg: iGoD LiGhTNiNG Don't mind my kd I'm great Don't invite me if you're a scrub I'm serious I can hold my own But I need good team mates
335 Hunter Good at sniping and shotgun Looking to go flawless Msg: iGoD LiGhTNiNG Don't mind my kd I'm great Don't invite me if you're a scrub I'm serious I can hold my own But I need good team mates
[quote]Need one for trials I am on 9 win streak and only lost 2 of my last 21 games. I also have a 1.33 kd msg RedBalence for invite.[/quote]
Need 1 for flawless attempt msg in game for inv be good and no squeakers
Looking for one with similar stats, I'm a 2.10 kd, with 98 act with sniper. I'll be carrying so you must be good. Message Hunted Legend59 with kd and stats. Don't just say inv or trials.
Inv for trials 324 self res lock never been to light house inv gt above
1.4 kd warlock 20x flawless warlock Looking to go flawless INV gt above ( please have similar stats)
Need 1 for trials must be at least 1.3kd and 1500 Elo message me for invite kezzzzahd or invite me
334 warlock 1.4 kd 120 times flawless gt same
Need one more 4 trials gt same as above.
[quote]Hosting trials need 1 for a mercy only run must have 1.4+ KD 1500 ELO+ 5 or more flawlesses CHECKING STATS[/quote]