335 Titan looking for people that can take me to the lighthouse
I'm not the best in pvp but I do my best
Never been to the lighthouse but hope to get there at some point
GT same as above
Need 1 for flawless be a great sniper or shotgunner preferably sniper rock flawless emblem
Looking for 1. Hunter is a 1.7 with a 1770 elo. On my new titan though. Invite or message lynchv2
Need 2 professionals 1400+ elo 1.2+ kd Checking stats Msg naruto914
Doing carries and account recoverys for a small price we are both top 1% guaranteed flawless Come to the stream www.twitch.tv/Oryxdeliveryboy Www.twitch.tv/oryxdeliveryboy Www.twitch.tv/Oryxdeliveryboy
Looking for 1. Hunter is a 1.7 with a 1770 elo. On my new titan though. Invite or message lynchv2
Need one super chill run don't care about how bad u r
335 Hunter Good at sniping and shotgun Looking to go flawless Msg: iGoD LiGhTNiNG Don't mind my kd I'm great Don't invite me if you're a scrub I'm serious I can hold my own maybe carry But I need good team mates
Looking for 1. Hunter is a 1.7 with a 1770 elo. On my new titan though. Invite or message lynchv2
Message xgn deliriuswlf for inv be good checking stats
Looking for 1. Hunter is a 1.7 with a 1770 elo. On my new titan though. Invite or message lynchv2
Charging $$$ for Guaranteed Lighthouse Check stats for proof: https://destinytrialsreport.com/xbox/Versed Message: Versed
Need 2 Be good or get a boot Must have: Mic 325+ Positive k/d I have a 1.19 k/d Msg drewyubeezy for inv
silent kill gg storm caller 1.3kd 1617 elo looking for 1 ive been 3x flawless im just a filler to help my friend go same stats or higher. msg me for inv
Need 1 for bounties. Gt same.
LFG with similar stats. I have a 1.3 kd this week and my elo is 1530. Msg for inv.
Looking for a chilled team Gt nostrigga
Need 1 for scarab farm. We have no mercy. Msg PaganPride88 your stats and lets hunt this bitch!
Needing 1 for elo farming resetting every 7th game. 1600 elo+ and a 1.0 message iPretentious o
Looking for 1. Hunter is a 1.7 with a 1770 elo. On my new titan though. Invite or message lynchv2
Looking For A 1.5+ Mtrx71
Need 1 for gold bounty and possible flawless.
2.5 kd and super sweaty message empyreanorb for guaranteed flawless run
2.5 kd and super sweaty message empyreanorb for guaranteed flawless run
Need one for bounties No mic req. Msg gbgbowu
Trials carries. $10 flawless (x2 if I get a partner) +$5 scarab (also, x2 for my partner)
2.5 kd and super sweaty message empyreanorb for guaranteed flawless run