335 Titan looking for people that can take me to the lighthouse
I'm not the best in pvp but I do my best
Never been to the lighthouse but hope to get there at some point
GT same as above
Lfg 1.3 trials k/d Looking for similar stats Will check you Pm me ford toreass
Trials of Osiris. NEED 2. 334+ DECENT KD & STATS.I have 1600+ ELO. LIGHTHOUSE RUN. Msg Sirr Rude.
Need one for Trials, message Capt TRex.
Need 2 for trials 2200 elo Msg gt above for invite Must have shitty elo and kd! 1000 elo only!!
Need one in the middle of a card. 4 wins going for flawless. We will help with rest of your card. Message gt above for invite. 330 plus positive kd
Looking for one with a positive kd that is looking to try and go flawless already been once this week
Need 1 for a winstreak. My freind has a 2.3kd weekly. Already have 18 wins. You can use it for a flawless run. Must be 1.7+kd. Msg for inv
1.2 kd 47x flawless Looking for flawless Msg or invite i Unorthodox v1
Need team for flawless Im top 2%, overall diamond elo Ive been flawless 48x Be that or better Gt:l Khepri l (They're L's)
Looking for two don't care about kd just in it for fun send me an invite our message to play EsS Sparton
334 titan looking to go try hard for flawless i could hold my own send inv Gt: CLD BLDED KILA
lfg to go flawless then farm for scarab emblem. MUST have 1.2kd + have been flawless also. Checking stats. send "proptics" a message/invite
Need one for Trials, message Capt TRex.
Need 1 for trials
Need a flawless and cant get it? Come to the stream and lets get that flawless. Top 100 in trials. twitch.tv/thakid60
Need 1 for flawless run. Mag for inv
.Need 1 for a winstreak. My freind has a 2.3kd weekly. Already have 18 wins. You can use it for a flawless run. Must be 1.7+kd. Msg for inv
Need 1 MUST HAVE 1.4KD+ and 1600+ elo message BlackWind77 🐐🐐🐐🐐
Need one for Trials, message Capt TRex.
Just went flawless need 1 more to go again 1.4 and a 1.2 44x flaw gt same as above
Need 1 for bounties
Need team for flawless Im top 2%, overall diamond elo Ive been flawless 48x Be that or better Gt:l Khepri l (They're L's)
Need 1 for bounties
Need a flawless and cant get it? Come to the stream and lets get that flawless. Top 100 in trials. twitch.tv/thakid60
Need a flawless and cant get it? Come to the stream and lets get that flawless. Top 100 in trials. twitch.tv/thakid60
Need one for flawless we are 4-0 with boon and will help after we go. Be good checking stats