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Edited by DeMix: 7/24/2016 4:14:54 PM

Do auto rifles need a Buff?(VOTE)



They're Balanced Enough




I personally feel that slow rate of fire auto rifles need a [b]SLIGHT[/b] base damage buff. They simply cannot compete with scout rifles, hand cannons, or pulse rifles. They're to popular and statistics are way better, making auto rifles very, very outplayed. The usage of auto rifles are [b]VERY LOW, [/b]and I would like to see all guns equal in PvP. Feel free to [b]LEAVE A LIKE [/b]on this post, I would love to see what the majority of the community thinks :D. I really want Bungie to do a little something to auto rifles so they are viable. [b]NOT TALKING ABOUT HIGH FIRE RATE AUTO RIFLES[/b]. We all know about the "Doctrine Of Passing".

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  • So do hand cannons IMO

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  • Yup like you said, everything other than Doctrine.

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  • All fast fire rate archetypes need an impact buff and all low fire rate archetypes need a fire rate buff

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  • I don't think so but they are horrible at medium ranges. Maybe if there range drop off wasn't so sharp. At close range though the only that will compete with them is TLW. Playing twilight gap and I had mida equipped and I found myself continuously getting chewed up by hatchet and other similar archetypes. I was playing way too aggressively so I would say no they do well for their intended purpose

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    3 Replies
    • Edited by Titan Hater of Hunters: 7/25/2016 8:43:16 PM
      Mid rate of fire autos(Haakon hatchet/zhalo supercell) along with mid rate of fire pulse rifles (red death/nerwins mercy) need a buff. Edit: I think if the stability was buffed, this would resolve most issues.

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    • Do they need one? No. Will I take one? Hell, yeah!

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    • Edited by netherslayer777: 7/25/2016 7:21:26 PM
      SUROS Archetype ones definitely do need a buff, with DoP archetypes doing better at close range and SUROS archetypes doing better at medium to long range. Anything else and problems will arise, unfortunately.

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    • Hard to use Auto rifles in 6v6 because time to kill can't compete with pulses and handcannons when you are often getting team shot. If you want a lot of assists, it's great though. You can do well with them if you completely change your playstyle to aggressively flank opponents t. As a solo player you also should stick with 1 or more teammates to get some help throwing some more bullets into the enemy.

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    • suros regime still wrecks, but I can't use any mid/slow rof legendary auto rifles without feeling like I'm at a major disadvantage

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    • Edited by Estinien | Sora | Ahsoka: 7/25/2016 2:39:50 PM
      It was wierd, this IB, tried to use Mida? Sucked. Hard. Switched to Suros Regime? Had a 30 kill game with 6 caps. Against the same kids with same teammates. Whhhhaaaaatttt?

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      3 Replies
      • they all do.. doctrine was the only thing up close (primary) that could compete with last word.. now LW is dominate again. Bungie will never stop this dumb cycle IMO. buff them all.

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      • They need a damage/stability increase across them all. They should melt at 5 feet away (25-30dps) and at 10 feet away it should be 20 dps and 20 feet 13 dps. Auto's should be the go to, to shut down a shotgunner, just like a scout/pulse rifles shuts down a sniper. Also, it will help stop a titan shoulder charge in it's tracks. After the recent nerf on auto's. Particularly high rate of fire ones. Everyone started saying titans are OP, shoulder charge is OP, Shotguns OP, Titan nades OP. .. but it isn't it's just we don't have anything reliable at close range to stop them. The fusion rifles fire rate is to slow, shotgun battles are usually equaled out or you die still, even though you fired back and you sit there wondering WTF?!?! Right now, mida is king, grasp is king, TLW is king. Auto rifles. . The best one currently is righteous 7. It's mid range damage is awesome. But there is no auto rifle currently that stands out as king. Doctrine should come back to what it was. But reduce the range, have the drop off at 10-15 feet and have it be drastic. But close range, that thing should melt the tits off someone.

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      • I think we could buff high impact ones

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      • Aren't the bottom two choices exactly the same?

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      • Fabian Strategy is alright atm

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        3 Replies
        • Edited by bobadobadob: 7/25/2016 11:05:08 AM
          I had my best game in iron banner using a monte carlo. It's a great gun, if you shoot first people struggle against it.

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          1 Reply
          • bring everything on par with Battlefield [spoiler]jk[/spoiler]

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            2 Replies
            • All primaries need buffed

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            • The ttk is spot on. They need to nerf TLW. Ya I said it. Nerf TLW. Then we will see more auto rifles rise.

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              15 Replies
              • High impact AR's (and pulse rifles) NEED some love. These are fun weapons that just fall short in the meta right now. You can play with them and have decent games, but they are not in any way competitive.

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                2 Replies
                • 28 impact models need a buff for sure, I have several that should be awesome and they just don't perform 8 impact could use a small buff 2 impact versions maybe a tiny buff

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                • The headshot multiplier used to be higher. Ever since they nerfed it Autos have always sucked. All they need to do is bump it up to how it was.

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                  2 Replies
                  • The fast fire ones are ok where they are at but the other archetypes need a boost.

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                  • Hand cannons for the win!

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                  • Auto rifles should be the go to weapon in the game. Instead it's scout rifles (Mida anyone?). In a real life scenario, everyone would take an auto rifle over anything else in the game.

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                  • Dunno tbqh I just don't use the ArminusD/DoP archtype anymore since the nerf. Rendered obsolete by GoM imo. Not sure about AR's like Haakon's/Paleocontact, as I've never really used them. Really, really enjoy my Grim Citizen though. Hits hard, has a decent RoF and pretty damn stable. I would love to see some buffs for them, just not sure it's warranted.

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