I used to main a titan in year 1 simply because it was the first class I started destiny with, then my characters got deleted somehow when I went to log in one day, so I restarted and have mained a warlock for year 2, and I have recently started playing on xbox and I main a titan there, So I main titan and warlock, -blam!- hunters.
>has more time on hunter than warlock >"f[u]u[/u]ck hunters" >ok
What console are you looking on? xbox? Thats because I created the warlock last, with the assumption id get a spark of light but I didnt, so Ive spent more time on the hunter atm, if you want my more accurate stats check ps4
30 days is a fair amount of time I'd say
Yeah well it does take alot of time to get your guys up to max light, getting all the grimour score for them. Whats it matter how long I spent on my hunter anyway? It still dont change the fact I hate them.