Defender Titan.
I am an immovable pillar. An invincible anchor of support who welcomes all within his mighty shield. I purge the unclean with my fists and steal their essence to bolster my defenses. Void light twists and shapes at my beck and call, and though I do not use it as a weapon, enemies shall find that I, alone, stand in a realm far beyond any creature they dare call "God".
[spoiler]And I get to kill my friends with poorly timed Wards and proceed to laugh my ass off when we realize what happened..
True poetry.
Cringe It's a game.
It was a joke.
It was a joke.
Can still get into it can't we?
Sure But not more than the actual Titans in the game bad doggie
Eh, I guess it's just a opinion. I myself like to role play in games because it makes me feel more invested. But whatever floats you boat :/
Guess I don't much care for immersive poetry.