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originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
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7/24/2016 9:46:31 PM
"I'm sorry to say. But you must rest outside"

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  • The man visibly recoiled. "I am no stranger to sleeping in the dirt but I would rather not if I could avoid it. Am I mistaken that the Dojo is a place that welcomed warriors around the globe?"

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  • "This is true. But in order to gain entry you must prove your worth. Through a fight."

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  • The man sighed and spoke. "Very well. Whom must I fight?"

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  • "You can fight one of the lieutenants, Cyan, Ceaser or myself."

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  • The man thought for a moment before answering. "Eh, if it's challenger's pick then let's hash it out. Where should this happen? I am ready if you are"

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  • [b]The woman steps out of the gates and leads you to a clearing. She does a small bow [/b] "I am Nora."

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  • The man drew his sword in a reversed two-handed grip a bowed in return. "I am Stain MacLeod. So to Orlief the Black. [i]Ceann a ól an diabhail croí[/i]" He rose and stepped a few paces from her. He turned around and leveled his sword. "[i]Eiwaz[/i]" The symbols on his robes and sword glowed with an inner blue light. He inhaled and exhaled once, the energy around him contracting and expanding with him. "I am ready if you are"

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  • [b]Nora draws her sword. Her arm glowing a strange blue color as runes showed across her arm [/b]

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  • Stian smiled at her. "Tasted the fruit of Yggdrasil as well? Or did you drink from the Well of Urd?"

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  • [b]Nora glances at him [/b] "A mythologist i See."

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  • "Such a straightforward term, especially for one who delves in the same knowledge. This should be interesting" Stian struck his sword in the ground and uttered a word. "[i]Jera[/i]" At the same time, he drug his sword to fling a cloud of dirt at Nora. Meaningless without that phrase, which gave each grain of dirt the weight of a boulder.

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  • [b]Nora spun around muttering the word[/b] "Ljeto." [b]A gust of wind blew the grain boulders to the side [/b]

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  • Stian grinned and cast again. "[i]Uruz chun Sowulo[/i]" A lightning bolt randomly struck from the sky straight at Nora.

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  • [b]Nora raises her sword towards the bolt [/b] "Boqulo vozi!" [b]As the bolt stuck the blade it swirled around before she took a jab towards you and the bolt started heading straight into you chest [/b]

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  • Just before the bolt touched he spoke. "[i]Sowulo chun Hagalaz[/i]" The bolt immediately dissipated into a hot wind that flowed around him.

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  • [b]Nora raises her sword in a defence stance as a blue aura surrounded her [/b]

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  • Stian dug into the pouch on his belt and threw out a handful of small metal punches. 9 to be exact. They flicked into place, floating in the air in an irregular pattern. Stian raised his hand so it covered Nora in his eyes. Then gripped the air tightly. "[i]Briseadh[/i]" Magical energy compressed the aura from every side as three of the punches glowed bright.

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  • [b]Nora stands at the ready [/b]

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  • The gravity around Nora steadily began increasing as the energy became compressing harder. The grass bent down and the soil began to sink and harden. Stian spoke again and he continued to squeeze. "[i]Kuanaz[/i]" Two more punches glowed and the air combusted around the air he was compressing.

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  • [b]Nora fell to one knee. Muttering words that could not be heard. She stood tall, made a pushing motion and suddenly the boxes explode [/b]

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  • [spoiler]boxes?[/spoiler] The fire dissipated and the energy field broke. Stian stumbled back and spoke. "[i]Ó thine ifrinn, a ligean seo shreabhadh abhann[/i]" The punches rearranged and seven glowed and spewed fire. It twisted into a massive column that rushed to Nora.

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  • [spoiler]Punches. Whatever they are. [/spoiler] [b]Nora holds out a hand[/b] "QUILPO." [b]As the fire comes at her, she absorbs it [/b]

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  • As the last of the column was being absorbed, Stain uttered a word. "[i]Imoibríonn[/i]" The remainder of the column exploded that sprayed fire all around it. The surrounding trees and grass were quickly lit ablaze

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  • [b]Nora's armor steams slightly but she seems unaffected. She throws several blue fireballs and you[/b]

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  • The fireballs seemed to splash against his robes. They were slightly darkened but still intact. "[i]chélie laguz[/i]" Four punches glowed as moisture was pulled from the air, plants, and ground and stuck to Nora's armor. More flowed towards Nora and began to form a sphere around her.

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