Because I know that someone on my team will go take Zone A and flip our spawn. EVERY -blam!-ING TIME. Even when we control both B and C, they will go take A.
And if the enemy starts taking C, causing the spawn to flip, the randoms won't do the smart thing and go fight to take it back. Hell no. Too much work. They'll go over to the unoccupied and undefended Zone A and proudly take it. Sometimes they'll dance, the morons. It never occurs to them that there's a REASON it's undefended: the other team is BEGGING YOU to go take it.
A Control match on Shores of Time, between 2 teams that both know what they're doing, will revolve around taking zones B and C. The only time ANYONE will take A is when Bravo takes it as their first zone. After that, there is NO reason whatsoever to ever see any announcement regarding Zone A. NONE. WHATSOEVER. I don't care if you lost all your zones; go take B or C. DON'T take A. It just makes things worse.
My name is Dog of War and I approved this message.
I cringe on shores of time now because most people prefer to hold C and B (for obvious reasons), but if you do happen to spawn on the A side at the beginning someone should still go and cap that! Had a game where we spawned there and literally 2 minutes in we still did not have a control point because my whole team was trying and failing to take B.
kinda like the old kafe dostoyevsky spawns on casual
Yeah honestly I used to really love this map. But with the way the crucible is nowadays I don't enjoy it too much unless I have a partial to full team.
Sorry bro, gotta claim 'em all. [b][i]MANIFEST DESTINY.[/i][/b]
I take zone A so we don't get triple capped then I head straight for zone C and either capture it or force their team over off B. At that point hopefully my teammates will push B and I'll have capped C or died and push towards B myself. It's too risky having no zones for any point in the match
Pantheon seems to be just as bad imo. On these two maps people always seem to flip the spawns
Seriously tho bungie needs to change the cap points around on that map
Edited by Forsz: 7/25/2016 2:17:05 PMThis map needs to be taken out of the control rotation, simple as that. Its just too much of a disaster when a group is given a rando or two that dont know what they are doing. When i started playing i used to take A also, not knowing that everyone is cursing me. Its too frustrating for the vets that work so hard to take B and C, only for their effort to go wasted. This is bad for the game and people quit. Bottom line, it shouldnt be so much of an advantage. It gives by far too much significance to the C side and should be an even opportunity for both spawns, even if flipped.
I refer to the people hardscoping b from c as Christmas lights because of the sniper light
I do it to annoy people like you.
I always do the dance, sometimes I see players on my team running by me and melee my ass and standing at the side shooting at me and twitching their aim as to say: NO mf step off. Then I use "blow a kiss" emote.
Ahh yes because it totally makes sense to completely ignore A (the zone you spawn at when the enemy is taking C) and try to rush across the map to fight for C only to get sniped halfway there. Good plan Dog of War. Great insight
I just hate the dreadnaught map. My team always loses when im on that map.
Edited by S_A_M_A_D_: 7/25/2016 1:07:30 PMI love camping outside of A when we have b and c. It's so easy to snipe enemies in that cave
Its because C flag is the linchpin of the map. There, i shortened your post.
Pro tip: if you see a teammate taking A, guard C and B from your spawn. No enemies will spawn there. Stop acting like there's nothing you can do about it.
I'd rather have only C instead of C and A, because then the spawns are all f[b]u[/b]cked up. What's so hard for people to understand? Just control the point closest to spawn and the center point and you'll win the game and none of the spawns will get f[b]u[/b]cked up along the way
Disagree. I am happy when people will attempt to take zones. Don't care which they are. Its still better than hearing "they're got em all guardians", then pressing select to look how big your team is and wondering where the -blam!- the other 5 people are and what they're doing.
I cap B immediately
Doesn't this happen no matter what? On EVERY map? Even when I'm on a six man team, someone gets hungry and poof. "Sorry guys I didn't mean to" Says the guy who LITERALLY pushed in with their super. It's unavoidable bud, and when you are on a full man team, people just laugh about it.
Only time im there is to neutralize A from them and then run away
Pretty sure spawns aren't decided on which zones are captured, but rather where people are. It's OK to send one person over and cap A (if you've lost all your zones), but 2 people need to not cap C and head to the back corner of C. Those two keep their spawn locked at C, while the others cap C and then work on B. Tl;dr: Capping A isn't a bad thing if you can get people in C's back corner to keep the spawn on C side.
It is possible to win control with a and c. Just keep running back n forth. But teamwork is required to keep the sightlines clear
Your never ever going to change that bud. Especially in IB. People who play IB are people who probably don't play PvP much. They are there hoping to drop high light numbers. They are clueless to map strategy.
When I see somebody heading to A/capping A, I purposefully go stand on C. I'm not sure, but it seems to prevent the spawn flip most of the time and get the A guy killed before he capped it.
This map is one of the most one sided maps in the game. Love the map but if you control the C side you win easily.