I personally feel that slow rate of fire auto rifles need a [b]SLIGHT[/b] base damage buff. They simply cannot compete with scout rifles, hand cannons, or pulse rifles. They're to popular and statistics are way better, making auto rifles very, very outplayed. The usage of auto rifles are [b]VERY LOW, [/b]and I would like to see all guns equal in PvP. Feel free to [b]LEAVE A LIKE [/b]on this post, I would love to see what the majority of the community thinks :D. I really want Bungie to do a little something to auto rifles so they are viable. [b]NOT TALKING ABOUT HIGH FIRE RATE AUTO RIFLES[/b]. We all know about the "Doctrine Of Passing".
Edited by Erijian: 7/25/2016 11:50:35 PMAuto Rifles are easy to outplay because of how simple they are to use..Part of why I think they should never be the dominant weapon class; because their skill floor is just as low as their skill ceiling. High impacts autos do need some love though, just like the high impact pulses.