Bramd - old
*Cyan stabs at the back of the Knight's knee, forcing him to take a knee* -
[spoiler]Which knight omg[/spoiler] [b]Ephiateus strikes out, and his sword seems to blast Cyan with holy light, knocking her into a wall.[/b] "[i]Careful! He uses Excalibur![/i]" [b]Theresa calls out, while defending against a knight.[/b]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]One of the two fighting Theresa. You know, that one, there!!![/spoiler] *The holy light doesn't do much to her, but she jumps to the side, shadows forming around her arms* Well I guess I better avoid it, huh? -
[spoiler]Oh, that one![/spoiler] [b]Ephiateus strikes out, Excalibur attacking with amazing force. But... it doesn't seem to be as strong as the Excalibur in the legends....[/b]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]*FORCEFULLY POINTS AT THE ONE SHE'S FIGHTING*[/spoiler] *Cyan rolls to the side and stabs at his arm, ice beginning to flow through his veins* WHY DID YOU COME TO GET HER? -
[spoiler]OH OKAY I SEE IT[/spoiler] "[u]She fled from the Knights of Heaven! It is our duty to bring her back![/u]" [b]Ephiateus pulls the blade out of his arm, and Excalibur knocks Cyan back.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Cyan lands on her feet* I call Bullshit. That's no reason to bring her back against her will! *Her dagger grows into a large icy broadsword. She lunges at him, slicing at his armor* -
[b]Ephiateus blocks, and Excalibur glows brighter, before knocking Cyan back against a wall.[/b] "[u]You can't possibly hope to beat a legendary sword used by King Arthur himself![/u]" [b]As he says this, Theresa knocks the two other knights out the window. She begins speaking in a strange voice.[/b] [i]Rose of Flames, strengthen thy strength, to destroy the evil.[/i] [b]A small flame trails towards Cyan, and when it touches her, she feels a massive increase in strength.[/b]
Bramd - old
Hmm... I feel weird now. *Cyan lunges at you again, shadows beginning to suffocate you* -
[b]You hit much, much harder than you expected, and Ephiateus goes flying, breaking the wall, and the wall behind that.[/b]
Bramd - old
Sorry about your house here... *Cyan repeatedly stabs at him with her shadow infused icy broadsword* -
[b]Each time Cyan stabs, her arm goes straight through his body, making a massive hole. He soon dies.[/b]
Bramd - old
*The sword dissipates in her hand and her shadows soon fade* What was all that for? *She picks up Excalibur and waves it around a little* -
"Excuse me," [b]A voice says at the door.[/b] "But that's my sword you're waving around."
Bramd - old
Wait, what? *Cyan turns to the voice* You can't be... *Cyan holds the sword in a defensive position* -
"Hmm? I can't be who?"
Bramd - old
*Cyan hesitates a little* King Arthur... -
"Yes, I am Arthur. However.... My kingdom has long since perished. I am no longer King." [b]The sword seems to float away from Cyan's hands, landing in Arthur's. When the sword touches Arthur's hands, a massive aura of power seems to radiate from him.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Cyan forms her icy blue dagger* That little trick you did convinced me a little, but how can I know you're really him? -
[b]Arthur smiles, and raises Excalibur.[/b] "Is it a duel you wish for, to test my claim as Arthur?"
Bramd - old
I could have a dual with anybody, a dual won't really prove anything unless you're proving you're a famous Mexican wrestler. -
[b]Arthur chuckles slightly.[/b] "Well, you tell me. What do you wish for me to do?"
Bramd - old
*Cyan sighs a little* I don't know... What happened to your kingdom? -
[b]Arthur's smile fades away completely.[/b] "We went to war, my older brother the commander of the other half of my army. We wiped each-other out completely. And why would I be telling you this?"
Bramd - old
I'm asking because I'm curious as to why you no longer considering yourself king. And you answered. And I appreciate that. *Cyan lowers her knife, which dissipates in her hand*